Chapter 6- Stupidity seems contagious

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I keep staring at Nick, is this guy an idiot? I saved him from Blacky twice already, I don't think I want to do it a third time.

I have to thank Blacky though, the only reason I woke up is because he shouted at me 'The idiot is in your room!'. I move my head and finally notice Dylan, why is he helping him? Because they're friends? Maybe is because his been close to Nick for a long time.... Stupidity seems contagious.

"sssshhhh" Nick says in a tender voice. I tilt my head; does he think I'm going to shut up in this situation?

They both start walking closer, I look down to see if the wolf is trying to stop him but I think I had my hopes way too high, the wolf seems happy and excited. He's hurrying Nick, that's a shame, I thought the wolf was better than this.

"Please, I don't like to repeat myself, but I will make an exception just this once. Don't do anything stupid and you will get out of here in one piece" I try to warn them again but they only smirk.

I sigh and shake my head slowly. Poor idiots. Should I get them kill? They're really not helping their survival. I hear the windows shake and I notice they do so too, I smile a little, I hope this doesn't end up bloody.

One window opens abruptly, and air starts flowing inside the room. "What the fuck!?" I hear Dylan shout and I see how he's falling on the ground, unable to get up but just like that the movement stop and Dylan gets up.

I turn to look at Blacky to see why he stopped when I notice his face... he has no features, but I can tell what faces his making. He looks in pain and I start feeling fear. Is he hurt? What is wrong with him? Is he safe? "Are you ok? Can I help you?" I say out loud. I don't care I'm not alone.

My dearest friend is hurting, that's the only thing I care about right now. "Allie! Listen to me! One week! I'll be back in one week! Don't let them hurt you! The chains are coming, I need to take care of that!" Blacky shouts while he starts to fade away "Resist! I'll be back!".

I immediately understand what he's saying. Once or twice a year Blacky has to deal with the white and golden chains. I know he was not a good person when he was alive, but I'm someone who judges what she sees and lives and for as long as I've known him, he has been nothing more than a loving grumpy grandpa. I love him and I hope he stays safe.

There's only one problem, this happened at the worse timing possible. I look at Nick and Dylan again, they look confuse "You're lucky, really lucky. Apparently, you will stay alive for one more week" I say calmly.

Fighting them myself is pointless, they're massive people and I'm 5'1". If I fight them, I will only tire myself. I rather go with them now and escape later.

Nick clenches his jaw and starts walking towards me again. He takes a white cloth, and I can smell the chloroform from here. I look up at him confuse. Is he trying to drug me? I already know where he lives. Making me unconscious is not going to change anything.

I get up from bed calmly and start casually walking towards the door. They look shock again. I really don't understand if they're trying to kidnap me or not.

"Aren't we going? I rather avoid a confrontation with my father. I don't want another dead parent in my conscious" I explain after a couple seconds of waiting for them.

"Y-you're coming with us? Without a fight?" Dylan asks. What a weird kidnapper, they'd rather have me trashing and shouting? Their kidnapping strategy is dumb.

"...should I shout?" I ask after a couple seconds while tilting my head.

"No..." Dylan says and glances at Nick. Nick is looking at me, just standing there staring at me. This is getting awkward.

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