Chapter 38-Keep it together

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Rose's POV

It's early in the morning. I'm scared but I do my best to stop my trembling hands and ease the hold on the door handle.

We're in a large black limo that picked us up way too late to be considered normal, Conrad said it was better to be on the road early since the werewolf king castle is hours away from Blue Lake Pack territory and it would be good to spend the night there instead of getting there at the day of the meeting.

The nerves are nearly driving me crazy. Not only are we on our way to possibly dying... I... I need to figure out what I'm going to do with... with...

I look around me to find something to calm myself. Allie is seating on the far end of the limo, sleeping, I know she says she's lazy, but her seating figure looks so sophisticated, like a queen on her throne, and her soft and calm features look almost like those of an angel when she's sleeping.

Alice opens her eyes, and we make eye contact. I immediately turn my face. My cheeks are totally red right now, without a doubt, I can't believe she caught me staring!

I peek at her again and look away immediately, she was still watching me...


I look at her, my eyes open as they can be. She giggled! So cute!

She had a soft smile on her lips and her eyes were as tender as always.

I couldn't help it, I smiled back, if my useless self can give her if only a little bit of comfort, then that'll be enough.

She got up from her spot and seated next to me. She raises her hand and I feel a small prickle on my nose.


Did she just flick my nose?

While my mind is busy being flustered by what she just did, something settles on my lap, I look down and it's Allie's head.

"You're thinking unnecessary things" she says.


Bewildered by what she just said, that's the only thing I reply.

"You're not useless" she says with no further explanation.

H... How did she know?

She smiles, her teeth showing if only a little bit. Then she frowns in discomfort, a fang is uncomfortably digging into her lower lip.

She sat down again.

"Having fangs is awfully inconvenient".

"Tell me about it" Henry agrees.

Since we're going as Conrad's people, we had to wake our dentist and made him work his ass off all night doing fangs that resemble those of vampires to disguise ourselves, not only that Will, Wes, and Dylan are using light makeup, fake glasses and so on to not be identified...

Part of me is jealous that they're so important they could be recognized, I want that, I want to be so helpful that people know, people just know I'm with Allie, and Jos, and Lucas...

I shake my head and push the thought to the back of my head. This is not the time.

We spend an awfully long time in the limo playing cards and so on, Allie doesn't join us, she said she didn't like to play cards as she learns annoying things when she does, I don't know what she meant, but her eyes were sad when she said that, I didn't dare to ask, but she did stay awake to teach me a couple of games and she smiled while watching us play!

Then again, after 2 hours, Allie and I fell asleep side to side.


"Well, fuck" I heard someone whisper near me.

Wolves and ghostsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora