Chapter 19 - take everything away

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The wolf is almost landing on my body when I simply move out of the way. My body moving a lot faster than what a normal human should.

I sigh annoyed. I'm pretty sure this is going to give me cramps when I go to sleep.

Joseph finally lands and turns his head looking at me confuse. "You shouldn't show your confusion in a fight" I smile happily.

Damn, apparently Ben is one to smile a lot, I didn't know that. I'm not this chatty in a fight but apparently Ben is. Well, not like I care, he can do whatever he wants.

His claws try to reach me, but I move out of the way and kick his abdomen. "Let me tell you a little secret".

This time, it's me the one that ones to talk. "Unlike what you think, your wolf form doesn't make you stronger. It makes you more predictable" I smile wickedly.

"After all, you can only claw, jump and bite" it's true. Being in a wolf form maybe makes you faster and stronger but it makes it easier for others to counterattack, leaves your vital points expose. Once you make the claws and fangs useless, what do they have to defend themselves?

It seems what I said triggered him, since he launches himself at me. That open jaw, those shiny fangs pointing at me.

-Do you want to toy with him?- I ask Ben.

-Yes- Ben says viciously. I shiver, what a wicked bastard. -I want to toy with him. But I don't want to fight him. I want to destroy him. I want to break him and then kill him-.

I see... so fighting it's not the goal, then I will just immobilize him. Let's make it quick.

The fangs get closer. I chuckle. "It seems your wolf is as stupid as you" I can hear my voice. It sounds so cheerful. It's a weird sensation.


Wesley's POV

She's laughing... she's laughing while a huge wolf runs at her. I want to aid her, run at her side, and beat Joseph to a pulp so that she doesn't have to.

Why did we agree to let her fight!? She said she was not going to show the ghosts. She already told us she doesn't know how to fight or defend herself!!!

Joseph gets closer and my anxiety grows with each passing second. To hell with everything!! I will tear him apart if he tries to harm my alpha!! I will not allow him to take anything else from me.

-We'll kill him the moment he tries- My wolf, Dimitri, immediately bugs in my thoughts. I agree with him. I don't care if this is a challenge, if I see she's in danger I will jump right in.

The wolf is almost in front of her face and Alice's smile thickens. It's weird. I have a weird sensation with that smile... it's not like the dark smile from before but a charismatic happy one. She looks... she's acting just like Ben.

Joseph finally reaches her, I'm about to jump right in but I freeze the moment I look at her hands.

Her nails are growing longer, stronger, sharper, thicker. Her nails now resemble a wolf's sharp claws.

What...? How...? I-I didn't know she could do that. How can a human change that way...? What the hell is she?


I don't need useless worries or doubts, I don't care what she is, she could be the devil herself and I would follow her happily regardless.

She moves out of Joseph's way and thrusts her nails in his side. I can hear her nails breaking the skin, meat, and lungs of her opponent. He falls on the ground with a muffle *THUMP* and starts coughing blood.

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