Chapter 25 - Like life and death

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I open the door that guides to the cells and the first thing that meets my eyes is a hell like scene.

Several wounded people inside cells. I inspect each cell carefully, trying to find the man I'm looking for.

I notice that, unlike what I first thought, the cells were not poorly cleaned. No mold, no rusty bars, but instead, clean, neat spaces, silver bars and quite humanitarian beds.

I was expecting cells like the ones from my dreams, where I met Liam, but it seems this pack treats their prisoners with respect... or so I would've thought hadn't it been for the blood on the walls.

It seems they didn't lose time torturing them for information... I inspect the place and I can see dry blood everywhere.


The wounds they have are old... some even infected, as if they've been held in here for a long time.


How long have I been asleep?

"Blacky, how long?".

"Two weeks" He replies calmly.

I look at him surprise. Two weeks? I've never been unconscious for so long.

"You tired yourself like never before".

I nod. That makes sense, that was the first time I pushed myself so hard. I'm surprise I'm not dead.

"Ugh....!" I hear a soft groan of pain... someone's pain... his pain.

"TELL ME WHERE THEY TOOK HIM!!!" I hear Dylan's desperate shout.

Then a whip cutting the air.


"ANSWER!! FUCK!" Dylan shouts again after no answer.

I run at the origin of the shouting. There, at the very far back of the dungeon, at the last cell, his scar body was full on injuries.

"STOP!" I shout, anger seeping through my lips.

I open the cell that is luckily not close and put myself in between Dylan and Liam. The whip hits my arm and blood pours out.

Why am I so angry? I hate torture but... it's not like I don't understand Dylan's actions...

"GGRRRRR" I hear Liam growling behind me. That's weird, he doesn't seem like the kind of person to get angry for getting injured. He's most likely the type of person to feel they deserve it so... why is he angry?


It seems someone's missing. I wonder, who is it?

"Allie, wait!" Jos shouts behind me. I didn't know I could run fast enough to leave Jos behind me.

She grabs my arms and pulls me away from Liam. I look at him, he seems worried.

It's at that moment I finally realize, he's worried about me, he got angry because I got injured.

"Hehe" I chuckle softly. Silly man, worry about yourself, seeing you injure makes my blood boil.

Jos flinches and I look at her, why is she flinching. Her eyes are open as much as they humanly can, her mouth is open agape to the point I fear she might dislocate her jaw, and she's frozen in place.

"I've never seen her smile like that, she looks like a puppy sickly in love".

I know she whispered something, but it was so low I couldn't understand her, so I just let it go.

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