Chapter 9- Mischief

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The morning arrives painfully fast. I want to sleep a lot longer, but Nick is annoyingly trying to wake me up. "Alice, we still have guests. You can't stay sleep" he says.

"I'm going home today" I say with a sleepy voice, and he frowns.

"Alice, this is your home" he says while glaring at me, but I don't give two fucks "You're not going anywhere if I don't allow it. You're mine Alice, you're my mate, you stay where I say is proper" he says angrily, and I sigh.

I sit up and stare at him. "What?" he asks annoyed. I keep staring. "Answer me!".

"I don't want to keep using your underwear" I say after a couple minutes of staring, and he freezes. "I don't have clothes in here and I want to see my dad as well" Yesterday, my dad called me and I could hear something off with his voice, I promised him I was going home today and spend time with him.

"You said I could go see him if I woke up yesterday and I did. Will you disappoint me again or will you keep your word?" I ask while tilting my head. If he doesn't keep his word, I'll just sneak out. I don't need this guy's permission; I don't even need to tell him. I'm just giving him a small chance to prove me wrong.

"..." Nick looks at me with guilt. I want to ask why but Apollo always helps in filling me in about Nick's internal struggles. "She coughed blood because we stressed her! We should allow her to go out!" I hear the wolf say.

I really hate they think I need their permission, but I just have around 5 days, including today, to stay in this house, I'm not going to fight them needlessly, they're a waste of time.

"...Dylan and Theo are going with you" he says after a small pause, I guess he can't come with me since they have guests, thankfully. Wait... going with me? My face warp to show disgust, I don't want to be babysit but I'll try to be patient.

"Who's Theo?" I decide to ask first about who's going to take me to my dad, I know Dylan is someone rather important but what about the other dude?

"He's my gamma, Katherine's first born" Nick explains, so this Theo guy is one of Sophie's older brothers, I'm slightly confuse... I remember Jos telling me his name... I think it was... Harold? Aaron? No, ummmmm, ah! I remember, it was Arnold. Yes, that was the one. Well, I'll ask him when I see him.

Nick leaves the room, I take a shower and change. I walk out of the bathroom and the first thing that meets my eyes is the angry ghost from yesterday.

"Finally up for talking?" I ask calmly and he nods. I must say, I'm a little annoy at this dude, he was the one that made me get up yesterday but didn't try to talk with me afterwards.

"I want him dead" he says. What an interesting way to start a conversation. The previous alpha wants the new alpha of his pack dead.

"I know, tell me where to find the information Eliza told me about. I will prepare the stage for you; all you have to do is follow instructions" I reply calmly, and he snorts.

I shiver when I see him like this, ghosts like him are dangerous, scary and really hard to meet, at least for normal people, I see one of their type on a daily basis.

"ha!" he mocks "'prepare the stage for me'? I can't even touch him! I can't do anything!" he's laughing desperately, as if that was the only way to deal with his feelings.

"You can, you just haven't learned how to" I explain, I know he can... because he's like blacky. Have you ever wondered how haunted houses work? Why it's almost always negative experiences in those places? Because normally the only powerful enough to interact with our plane of existence are angry, dangerous and obsessed ghosts, like Blacky and like this man.

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