Chapter 18 - betray you?

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Once the words leave my mouth, I see Nick's expression warping into one of desperation and helplessness.

For just a small moment, I felt a slight pain in my heart. The pain you feel when you cause others pain. That pain you feel when a fragment of the goodness in your heart crumbles apart.

I don't like to cause pain, but I hate those that cause me pain and I will never forget or forgive those that hurt me or those I love. He got his chances, a lot of them, but he abused my goodwill, he ignored my warnings. He doesn't deserve my kindness.

"...Why?" Nick looks at me with a heartbroken face, pain in his eyes. "Why did you betray me?"

"ha!" I scoff, ups, that was anticlimactic. I could've come up with something cooler, but that question took me by surprise. I was expecting a lot of questions, but that was not one of them. It was so stupid to ask that I never considered it among his options.

"WHY!?" he shouts louder when he doesn't get a reply.

"Betray you?" I ask with a sneer. "I didn't betray you" I'm not lying. I'm not one to betray, I always follow my word. I can bluf, but I don't lie.

"ha... ha ha ha ha ha!" Nick starts laughing. I frown, it seems I broke him a little too much, but that's alright, he's salvable. This is just because he's tired, I should know, I've been where he is. "YOU BETRAYED ME!"

I tilt my head confuse. "How?" I ask calmly "I can't betray you" he freezes "I can't betray someone that was never my ally".

The last words leave my mouth, and he stays stiff on his knees, his eyes look hollow. I sigh. He looks like an empty shell of a man.

How the hell could he think I was his ally? I told him more than once I didn't want to have anything to do with him. Betrayal is only for those that used to be allies, even if they faked it, like him and Joseph, but Nick was never my ally, and I never agreed to anything he said. I told him from the beginning, I warned him more than once.

If he was blind enough to not connect the dots, it's not my fault.

My expression hardens, and Nick flinches under my stare.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? You bitch!" I direct my cold gaze towards the origin of the voice.

Paul, the alpha of the Red River, one of the causes that Aidan almost died. Next to him, Joseph, the man that tried to kill Wesley, that killed Ben and Eliza.

These idiotic men, the men that tried to kill my people. The men that we will kill. I sigh and shake my head slowly. Poor idiots, so desperate to meet their demise.


I look behind the two idiotic men. At the origin of the voice. The voice is angry and at the same time excited.

"The woman you just called 'bitch'" he said again with gritted teeth "It's my alpha".

"Wes...!!!" Joseph looks at him surprise, I guess he's surprise Wesley's still alive, or maybe he's surprise of the people walking behind him.

Behind Wesley there's a bunch of warriors, the rogues that he reunited, the people that were chased out of their pack. Ben's trusted warriors.

"You..." Joseph tries to talk "YOU...!!!"

He was about to shout, but Paul stops him. "These guys are all talk! You think this is all the warriors we have!? You think this is all my pack!?"

Paul is mocking us. I sneer. He takes a whistle out of his pocket and blows it.


A loud high pitch sound fills the forest.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Paul laughs like a maniac "The ones here were just a small amount of my warriors! The real ones! The strong ones! Were waiting just for this moment!!!"

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