Chapter 16- Real

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I look around the neat clean room, it smells nice, no mold in it, no darkness lingering in the corners, no iron bars and instead of the cold stone floor there's a fluffy carpet... it's a nice place, but I want to go back.

I place my hand in my chest and feel a sting in my heart, I tilt my head confuse, why do I miss that place so much? Why do I miss him so much when I don't even know him?

"Allie! We don't have time! We're already late!" Jos hurries me again and I sigh. Let's push these feelings off my head for the day. Right now, it's all about enjoying my mischief.


"No." my reply firm and stern.

"Allie, please! I choose this with so much care!" Jos's cute innocent voice makes me squint my eyes; she's trying to sound adorable to make me change my mind.

After I came out of the bathroom the clothes waiting for me were not the simple jeans and t-shirt I planned on using but a black dress.

"It's vintage! You'll look awesome with it! pleeeease~" Jos tries again, and I frown while pinching the bridge of my nose.

"haaa~" my sigh louder than what it should be. I look at her and her eyes are sparkling, Anisha's eye is also sparkling with expectation.

"You'll look so cute!" Jos tries again and I stare at her.

"I don't need to look cute. I want to enjoy my mischief while comfortable. I don't need to wear a dress; I'm not trying to impress anyone".

"Who says you have to impress someone? You can wear cute things just because you want to look cute! It doesn't mean you're trying to impress someone!" Jos says with fervent determination. I frown.

"Jos, I appreciate it, but I don't like to wear uncomfortable cloths" I sigh.

"This is comfy! I swear" she hands me the fabric and I'm surprise at the soft feeling of the dress. It's feels comfy... will it feel just as comfy when if I wear it? I'm curious.




I just look at the dress for a couple seconds, grab it, and walk inside the bathroom. I hear Jos celebrating on the other side of the door.

After 3 minutes I get out of the bathroom wearing the dress, I didn't like the length since it goes mid-thigh, so I'm wearing short leggings that go slightly above my knees below the dress.

"you're wearing... leggings? With the dress?" I hear Jos disappointed voice. I nod and start walking towards the exit of the room.

"Woah!" I look at the man standing outside, Lucas, he's looking at me with a surprise expression. He looks at Jos and smirks, I frown and look at Jos as well, she's smirking smugly.

"I told you I could convince her" she says. He smiles at her, grabs her arm and holds her closer. He kisses her and takes her hand.

"Yeah, you told me so" he says tenderly and kisses her cheek "I love you" he adds, and they blush.

I stare at them, and they notice my staring, normally I just keep my distance, so I'm not surprise they're looking at me like that.

" something wrong?" Jos cautiously asks.

I look down at the floor and breath in "..." should I ask? I'm still curious "Jos... how do you know you want to kiss someone?".

I've never had any type of desire towards anyone, to the point I don't know anything about my 'type'. Do I prefer women? Men? Do I even care? Can I feel sexual desire? Can I not? I don't know any of that. I didn't even know if I wanted to kiss Liam... that's why I decided to ask.

Wolves and ghostsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon