Chapter 32-Who the hell...?

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The last two days have been mental torture for me. Everything that happened keeps whirling in my mind.

What could I have done for a different outcome? Were my instructions good enough? Why didn't I protect him?

Many questions, but no answer.

I love my people, but I guess caring for others also means fear. Fear of loss, of being the one left behind. Up until now, death was something I saw as natural, everyone dies, no one can escape the ultimate destination of life, I never thought I could fear death, apparently, I can.

Even with this new fear, I don't regret meeting them.

At the end, I vented out. I shouted everything I wanted to the man I know must be hurting, Liam, but he accepted everything and listened, I know that's not easy.

After I was done, I thought I would just continue making plans, thinking about how to save and help those that trust in me... but the plan changed by a howl. No, by a chorus of howls.

The chorus continued; I knew they were waiting for my reply.

I let go of Liam's collar and walk towards the window in a daze. I close my eyes and let their melodic song warm my heart. A song of the wild, of nature. A song of family.

Trust beyond human understanding.

I slowly opened my mouth and took a deep breath. A high pitch but soft whistle and after a second, their howls joined my whistling.


I turn around and smile. I take his hand and run with him. Out of the apartment, through the hallway, to the stairs, going down floor by floor.

Fast, hurry, we must hurry. They're calling me.

People are running behind us, but I don't have time, they're calling. Their impatient howls show they share my feelings, we want to reunite as soon as possible.

I reached the main entrance, but I was promptly stopped by Dylan.

He seemed confused and rather worried, I guess the howling made him feel uneasy, but that worry soon warped into hate when his eyes landed on Liam.

He frowned, the veins in his forehead popped and his eyes shone in a dangerous light.


"Aaah~" a tired sigh escaped my mouth. You know what? Fuck it.


Dylan's butt hit the floor, and his cheek turned red, I could see a trail of blood falling from his mouth.

I shake my hand, punching someone always hurts a little.

"Did you... did you just punch Dylan in the face?" I hear Lucas, he's sneering and coughing trying to stay composed, he's failing miserably.

Isn't it obvious? Why is he asking? "I did" I respond and open the door.

I walk outside and soon I'm surrounded by fluffy, smelly, and kind creatures. I kneel and the oldest sister circles me, sniffing me, rubbing her snout on me.

"She's going to pee on us" I inform Liam.

"W-what?" he seemed startled, and I could see the faint blush of embarrassment and confusion. Cute.

As if on cue I felt the hot liquid running down my leg. It's been a while since I felt this. Then she moved towards Liam and peed on him as well.

She smelled us and once satisfied she jumped at me. Her tongue licks my face.

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