Chapter 21 - Berserk hunger

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I open my eyes and the sun's already up. I don't even know when I fell asleep. Apparently, I was far more tired than I anticipated.

I try to sit up, but I can't. The moment I tried a jolt of pain travels through my body. I feel as if I just ran a marathon.


Was that my stomach? I think so. I'm hungry, just so hungry... I'm so hungry I think I could eat a whole deer by myself. I smile slightly, remembering that interesting summer break, those amazing six months. A deer was the first thing my second father taught me how to hunt.

I put those memories at the back of my head, right now I need to find food without feeling pain in the process. I slowly get up from bed, trying my best to avoid the pain in my muscles. It isn't working as good as I wanted.

I get to the freaking door, finally. I turn the doorknob and I'm immediately greeted by Jos, Lucas, Rose, Sarah, Will, Wes, Aidan and Linda.

Why are they all here? I thought they would be helping with the cleanup.

"It's still too early for the cleanup" Ben informs me. I must admit, I'm glad he decided to stay with me. I told them they couldn't get out yesterday, since they would've end up following them but at the end, they're ghosts, they don't really have to follow my orders.

"We made you pancakes!" Sarah shouts excitedly.

I'm glad we're eating in Jos's apartment, instead of the packhouse kitchen. I'm so tired, I don't want to deal with anyone. I'm so tired simply staying awake is a great feat right now.

"You do like pancakes... right?" Linda asks this time. It seems my unresponsiveness made them uneasy, but I couldn't care less.

Right now. I'm in some sort of auto-pilot mode. I did way too much yesterday, no matter how much the forest helped me with the recoil, it still uses my energy and I get super tired, and on top of that I had to call them to help the huge amount of ghosts' pass.

I simply nod to answer Linda's question and drag my sluggish body towards the kitchen counter. I sit and take the nearest plate at arm's reach.

I don't even talk. I just ravish the pancakes in front of me, I finish them and move to the next one in some sort of berserk hunger.

I don't even know if the pancakes taste good, right now I could eat raw meat and it would taste like heaven.

I finish eating once I feel my stomach full, and lean my head on the kitchen counter, slowly closing my eyes. I want to sleep a lot more.

"Allie..." Jos starts talking.

I look at her without raising my head from the counter.

"I-I know you're tired but... but I really need to know. Please..."

Why is she beating around the bush so much? Just ask the question. If I don't want to answer it I will not, it's really simple.

"Who was he?"

He? Who is she talking about...?

I think about it for just a moment, and it clicks. She's talking about them. Well, I guess her curiosity is normal. Once you meet them, it's kind of hard to forget.

"You know... the guy you... ummm... danced with?" Jos keeps talking, trying to explain herself.

"Guy? Jos, I think you're a little confuse" Lucas says tenderly. "She was a woman. A pale black-haired woman was dancing with Allie".

"Huh?" I hear Wes's confuse voice. "I also saw a woman but... she had spine-like horns coming out of her head forming some sort of crown and also had silver hair".

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