Chapter 7- Crazy bastards

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I finally understand, the only reason I'm here is because Nick is a selfish brat, he wants things to go his way, so he used the best excuse he had to bring me here. I shrug.

Well, even with this information nothing changes. I knew he was a selfish narcissist, and I can't get away from here on my own, at least not without proper preparations and that would take time so for the moment, I will relax. They already promised to tell my dad, for their own safety I hope they're not lying.

I finally noticed the loud laughter engulfing the kitchen, I look at the source and I see Dylan laughing loudly, I wonder why's he laughing. I'm curious but I don't want to talk to him, he's one of my kidnapers after all.

Let's just go from the kitchen, nothing good is going to come out from dealing with these crazy bastards. I walk towards Jos, sitting in the empty seat next to her and Lucas. "Jos" I say calmly, and she looks at me surprise.

"Yes?" she says while smiling.

"Can we go somewhere quiet?" I ask. I honestly don't want to stay in such a loud room.

She gets up from her seat, Lucas following behind her as if he was a bodyguard. We walk out of the kitchen quietly, thankfully Nick's too busy dealing with Dylan's laughter, so we walk without anyone stopping us... well... Katherine's also following behind us but she's trying nothing, so I'll leave her alone.

I finally notice Jos's expression. She's looking at me with embarrassment and guilt. She opens her mouth to say something, but no words come out. Why is she like that? Does she have a stomachache?

"Do you have to go to the bathroom? There's nothing embarrassing about that, it's a normal physiological need, it means you're alive" I say. After all, you can only do such things when you're alive, when you die you only exist but can't do anything else.

She opens her eyes wide, the expression she had before completely disappearing and leaving shock behind. She hits my arm playfully and laughs "How the hell do you manage to get such weird conclusions!?" she says between laughers. Mmmmh... apparently my interpretation was wrong, but at least she looks happy now.

"If you weren't embarrassed because of that then why did you make that face?" I ask curiously.

"Allie..." her guilty face returns and gulps before she keeps talking "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I couldn't stop Nick... I... I know this must be scary but a really selfish part of my is glad you're here" she looks away from my face, avoiding my gaze "I'm glad our Luna is here... I'm sorry, deep down I didn't try hard enough because I wanted you here".

"I see" I say calmly, I'm not really angry at Jos, I wonder why. "It's alright Jos, I'm not angry at you but I'm not planning on staying here" I say honestly.

"Are you... going to escape?" Jos asks slowly.

"No" I reply "Nick will let me go in a week tops".

Lucas, Katherine, and Jos are looking at me as if I was crazy. I understand why though, this mate's deal seems to be a lifetime thing but that's for them, I'm not like them and I refuse to be the lover of someone as annoying.

"Alice... I don't think he's going to let you go... he wants you here" I hear Katherine say and I smile faintly, I know he will try to keep me here but if he's a good leader he will let me go or this place will become a carnage, a carnage I'm not willing to stop.

"I know" I reply casually. We envelope in a comfortable silence, no one talked to me for a while, and I was really grateful for it.

We arrive to the elevator, and I see Katherine pushing the button for the fifth floor. They start talking again but this time we talk about random topics. Well, they talk and I listen.

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