Chapter 31 - Pancakes

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Liam's POV

*Poke Poke*

I'm woken up by something sharp poking my sides. I slowly open my eyes and I'm met with a shadow right in front of my face.

"Well, well, the sleeping beauty finally woke up" he said. I think he was smiling.

How am I so sure it's a he?

"Well, little one, wake up, we need to have a talk" I'm about to get up when he immediately stops me again. "SUUUSH! Be careful! She's still sleeping" he points down.

And he's right, Alice is sleeping next to me, still hugging.

"Oh... umm... Sorry".

"Apology accepted".

Is it me or does he look in a really good mood? For a moment I could see flowers floating around him.

"So, I'm guessing you love my Allie?" he asks. I have to do my very best to not shout and wake her up.

"L-l-l-l-l-love...?" my voice trembles so much.

"Mmm... so, you don't love her?" he inquires. He didn't sound angry but curious instead.

"I... I'm not sure, I know she's important, I know I would kill for her... but how do I know that's love? We barely know each other..." I whisper, this time doing my best to keep my voice low.

"Oh, don't worry, you don't have to whisper, she's a light sleeper but she sleeps soundly when she's around people she trusts, as such, as long as you don't scream or move, she will not wake up".

"Oh..." My face turns red. She trusts me...? She trusts me!

"Well, I'm ok with that answer for the moment... take care of her, Liam. She might not look like it but...".

"She's been through a lot" I finish for him, I already know. "I will protect her, always... but... but I will not cage her, she should be free to do what she wishes, protect those she loves, she's someone that should show the world who's the boss, and... and if I'm there for her during her journey then... that would make me the utmost happy".

"Good, I like you kid, better than the piece of shit that put her through all this mess" he spats.

"Oh... umm... thanks...?".

"You're welcome" he smiles, again... how do I know he's smiling?

"Josephine and Lucas are searching for Allie, I will inform them she's here so don't get surprised if Josephine comes in a fit, she's just worried about Allie. After all Allie has a tendency to run after danger completely disregarding her safety".

"That sounds just like her" I say while stroking her hair.

After I say that, the floating flowers seemed to appear around him again, he seems absolutely delighted. He gives me a thumbs up and disappears into thin air.

I waited a bit for the pair the shadow was talking about, but long enough drowsiness won, and I fell asleep again.


I snap my eyes open, a blunt sound being the responsible. I look up and a girl with sun-kissed skin and short black hair was looking at me with... not hate but... ummm... disgust?

She was tapping the bars making a metallic sound, different from the initial blunt sound but I could see the redness in her palm. The silver must be hurting her, why does she keep touching the bars?

Did she... perhaps hit the bars?

"Jos, please" pleaded a young-looking man.

Oh, I know him. He's the man that tried to stop my torturer. I don't blame him though, I know he was desperate to have his friend back, and honestly, I deserved that torture.

Wolves and ghostsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon