Chapter 12- No more

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Once my voice returns to my normal monotonic tone and my face returns to its stoic expression, I start talking again "Wesley, stealthily bring back those that were turn rogues when Joseph took over, call the number I gave you, it's the rogue king. He will help you find them. Get them ready in the outskirts of Nick's territory".

"I will do as you ask" he says happily but respectfully... I don't like where this is going.

"Ho..." I hear Ben amused sigh; I end the call immediately after hearing that and give the cellphone to Ben. I felt something annoying would happen if I didn't.

Don't ask... don't ask... "why was he acting so respectful?" I end up asking, curse my curiosity.

"You seriously don't know?" he says surprise "You're giving him a sense of accomplishment, a light of hope, and you seriously ask why he's being respectful? You're giving us a purpose, a chance to help and be part of something bigger than us. You're helping us take down horrible people" he says with an expression that says 'it's obvious'. He sighs in defeat and puts a hand in his forehead "Sometimes I forget how clueless you are at the way you help people"

I tilt my head in confusion, I don't understand what's he talking about. Helping? I'm literally using them for my mischief, and they know it. I'm not helping them; this is merely for my own self-satisfaction.

I brush off everything he told me, and I relax. I already told Aidan, Wesley, and Ben what needs to be done, and Eliza is keeping an eye on the Red River's territory. The only thing left right now is wait and relax. Ben snaps his fingers, and the ropes tighten around me, the same way they were before.

"He's here, Nick and Joseph's warriors arrived at the camp and are looking for you" Ben informs me, and I sigh. The documents that were in my hands are now scattered around the floor, but he immediately makes them float and land in his hand as if the documents had never fell.

"Is everyone running away?" I ask calmly.

"Most of them, some are staying to keep them away, not fighting, just keeping them in place" Ben keeps giving me updates and I nod satisfy at the proper way this pack handles things. It would be too suspicious if they just run without fighting, that's why they're making 'time' to run even though they've been ready for hours.

I stay in my spot, until the door opens with a loud bang, pieces of the old wooden door fly around, result of the door's destruction and I see Nick standing there looking at me with worry and fear all over his face.

"ALICE!" he shouts, relief of seeing me alive. Well, I did leave full of injuries, so I get why he's relieved.

He tries to run towards me, but Dylan puts a hand in his chest "STOP! The floor is full of wolfsbane and silver!" Nick glares at him. Angry he stopped him, and I have to suppress my scoff. Why are you angry at him? He's trying to keep you safe.

"Nick, you have to stay strong! We're on enemy territory! If you get hurt, we will not be able to take her to safety!" Dylan keeps saying and Nick's angry expression disappears, staying calm.

"'re right" he says while breathing heavily "Alice! Just stay there for a couple minutes, I'll come get you! I promise" Nick says, and I have to work really hard to stop myself from frowning.

Did he seriously just forgot that I jumped off a window to get away from him? I know why I'm staying here but does he seriously think I'm going to feel safer around him? No, let's stop thinking about this. I have to play my part and if I keep thinking about this, I will end up showing my annoyance.

I try to act scared for a minute but honestly, I just give up. I'm not going to act, that would be too annoying. I'm just going to do whatever I want.

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