Chapter 30 - My exception

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Liam's POV

The day went by surprisingly calm. I was not tortured, and delicious food was delivered. Honestly, I never imagined eating could be so pleasant, for me it has always been something I have to do fast to avoid punishment.

I've never been treated so nicely; I should be happy... but I felt miserable. The only thing on my mind has been 'when can I see her?'

It's when I was having these torturous thoughts that I heard the front door of the cells opening.

...Have they finally come to torture me? I hope they at least pardon the other warriors; they were only following my father's commands.

I heard the steps slowly getting closer. I smelled her before I saw her, and I couldn't fight the smile forming.

"Are you that happy to see me?" she asked.


She placed the key in the keyhole and twisted her hand.

"You shouldn't" no, angel... don't open the door, hasn't it occurred to you I could hurt you? Please take better care of yourself.

She tilts her head and for a moment I remember a man's face. The same tilting head, the same calm eyes. I blinked and the illusion disappeared. "Why?" She asks.

"I-I could..." I try to explain. 'I could hurt you' I wanted to say but I couldn't bring myself to say, I didn't want her to be afraid of me, I didn't want her to doubt me.

"You could, but you wouldn't" she says. She sounds so sure, not an ounce of hesitation.

The door finally opens, and she hastily gets inside. She hugs me and kisses my cheek.

For a moment, a fast thought of pushing her away came to my head, what if others saw her with me? They would think of her as a traitor, but that thought immediately jumped out of the window.

I enveloped her in my arms, and she answered putting her arms around my neck.

"I didn't know you were so fond of hugs".

"...I'm not, I don't like people touching me".

"Oh..." I hugged her without asking in our dreams! Will she hate me? Wait... but it wasn't in real life... Does it even count???

She chuckles. "You look adorable when fluster" she says. "You're an exception" she adds.

She kisses the tip on my nose and looks at me with such lovely eyes. "You will always be my exception".

I felt the blood in my face, I pursed my lips and closed my eyes in embarrassment. What should I do? Is it alright for someone like me to feel this much happiness?

She hugs me tighter and I feel her body closer to mine, for the first time I feel the sensation her body creates, all her curves, her heat, the beatings of her heart, everything.

My breathing became shallower, my hands went down her back and placed on her hips, dangerously close to her bottom, I felt her hair tickling my arms and her breath kissing my neck.

It was a foreign sensation, something I'd never felt before, but at the same time, something I knew I experienced a long time ago.

"How weird..." she whispered.

"Uh?" Weird? Am I being weird? Did my hands feel uncomfortable? Well... I did move my hands lower... Should I have asked?

In the middle of my panic, I look at her, she's smiling at me, her slightly rosy cheeks, her soft lips, everything looking happy to see my reactions.

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