Chapter 20 - Long black veil, an oil lamp, and a dill bouquet

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Third POV (Before Allie started healing the warriors)

The cheering of people filled the place.

Many of them were relieve and thankful. They knew many of their warriors and family died, but they also knew it could've been worse had it not been for the young blond lady they treated as nothing but a decoration since she arrived.

They couldn't hate her for not helping sooner, after all why should she? She didn't have any reason to help them at all, they didn't help her when their alpha was breaking her soul apart so much so she almost kill herself.

Death was heavy on them but not as heavy as with humans since for werewolves' death is common. Dying in battle is honorable and not as rare. They were sad but not heartbroken, feelings of sadness were normal, feelings of helplessness over the death of a family member that is not your mate is not as common.

That's why the moment the last of their enemies fell on the floor, they cheered. They were finally freed from nightmare frowning upon them since the last couple months.

Their eyes landed on their Luna, no... they didn't dare to think of her as their Luna, they didn't have that right.

"It's too soon to celebrate" their alpha, Nick, said in a defeated and hurt voice.

Yes... it was too soon, they were already free of the struggle, of the fear, but now... they had an important and painful task at hand.

"We need to bury our dead" he said while looking at the corpses of his pack.

Bury their dead... a sad and arduous task but they had to do it.

They're sad gazes traveled through the bloody battlefield.

'That could've been us' thought a young warrior, he didn't have enough experience to join the fight, that's why he was tasked with guarding the interior of the pack house.

Even then, he wouldn't have been able to defend against the Silver Dagger warriors hidden inside the pack house.

Once again, they were saved from another tragedy thanks to that girl... every single action that happened today seemed to be somewhat revolving around that girl. As if everyone were dancing on the palm of her hand.

He wasn't the only one that realized just how many lives she saved, everyone in the packhouse also did.

Their gazes that were fixed on the battlefield quickly directed at her after hearing a voice, the voice belonged to the woman they all used to think as the pack slut.

"Allie..." Jos talked while looking at the blond girl with pity. "I know it must have been hard to look at all this but it's alright that you couldn't save them all. You minimized the dead so much already. Don't blame yourself".

They noticed Alice's expression, she seemed troubled while looking at the corpses of their warriors.

"She's right, Alice. Don't blame yourself" Wesley talked this time.

They noticed how her frown deepen after that man talked. She was frowning while showing pain and sadness in her eyes.

'How can someone be so kind?' the young warrior thought.

She didn't need to be sad about their pack, they didn't do anything to earn her kindness or sadness, they didn't help her at all and even supported their Alpha in his horrible decisions towards his mate...

...and yet, she was showing such conflicted expression for their sake. Slowly many whispers started to sing praises of her.

"...she did this to save us" said one

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