Chapter 26 - Why?

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Liam's POV (sort of)

Why was it?

He just didn't understand. Since he could remember, his father never gave him an ounce of love.

Without an answer, without an explanation, the young boy only received disdain from his father, there were times he thought his mother would be a safe place for him, but she would look away, ignore his suffering, smiling at their pack while faking everything was ok.

It was as his 5 years old that he finally understood.

He was a boy that shouldn't be alive, a boy that shouldn't exist, a boy that shouldn't be weak enough to die, but should never be strong enough to be noticed.

He knew he had to exist as a living ghost.

Never sad, never happy.

Just live as if he didn't exist.

As a broken doll.

Yes, the boy knew that's how they wanted him to be, how they wanted him to live, but he couldn't.

He had such a big bright heart. He had so much love to give to those around him, that even after being ignored, belittled, and hurt, he still hoped to be loved, he still tried to smile to those around him.

In his innocence, he would run at his father, his arms extended, wishing for something as simple as a hug, always running at him with a tender and hopeful smile.

But every time, the only thing he received was pain, a scornful stare and eyes that showed nothing but hate.

He has a little sister, 5 years younger, he never understood, but the love he desperately wanted, was hers. No one's but hers.

His parents would shower his sister with praises, affection, love, toys, anything she wanted. She was kind, and lovely. She grew up not knowing the dark side of the world, always finding the beauty and justice in everything she saw.

For three years after his sister was born, he lived like a dog, doing whatever asked of him for something as little as a glance his way.

Clean, eat from the floor, work in the kitchen, help the maids, anything at all, if he could get a little recognition.

As long as people acknowledged his existence, he was willing to work in the most disgusting places in the castle.

Those little moments of recognition meant the whole world for him, a light brightening his life, but those little sparkles of light never came from the people he wanted the most.

His father would never physically harm him, but the disdain and neglection hurt him more than could ever be explained.

He didn't need anything, he didn't want anything, but his family's love.

During his lonely and painful childhood, he always felt something was missing inside him, he knew something dear was missing, as if a piece of himself didn't exist yet.

It was at his 8 years old of age, while he was working in the kitchen, while he was in the middle of baking a pumpkin pie for the Halloween party his family was hosting, while the dark red moon was shining brightly in the sky, in an October 31st night, he felt a spark in his heart, something that shook his very core, his very soul.

It was here. It was finally here.

It was finally real.

He felt his teeth sharpening, he felt a horrible pain spreading through his body, he heard his bones crack and break in horrible angles, he felt his hearing amplifying.

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