Chapter 34- A chaotic team

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Morning arrived annoyingly fast. I fucking hate this. I force my eyes open and sit on the bed. I turn to my side, and I'm met by Liam's gaze.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask him.

"...A little?" he says embarrassed.

"You've been watching me sleep for a while now, haven't you?".

"...maybe?" he says again.

I chuckle. "It's alright, I was doing that last night".

"Oh!" he laughs.

We have breakfast on our own, I guess he wanted to be with me just as much as I wanted to. He joked and I stole a couple kisses.

After a while I know it's time to go down, we take the elevator and while we wait, I give Anisha, the ghost that wakes me up every morning, instructions. I task her with tailing Conrad's son, I trust Conrad, but I'm not so sure about the other man.

"It's going to be alright" Liam squeezes my hand and I tilt my head confused.

"Why wouldn't it be alright?" I ask. He doesn't seem bothered by my monotone voice, he never has, as if he knew me since forever.

"Because you're going to speak to a pack you don't like and give instructions to people who doesn't want to listen to you?" He explains, I wonder, why is it that everything he explains he makes it sound like a question?

"It will be annoying, but it will work out, I just need to control my killing intent" I sigh, already feeling the headache forming in the back of my head.

"I know you can..." he gives me cute smile, but the smile immediately turns into a frown. "I... I'm not going to see you after today, am I?" he sounds sad.

I lean on his side. "You will, just not for a while" I signal him with my hand to lean down and he does, not even asking why.

I step on my tip toes and kiss him. He immediately takes a couple steps back.

"..." he stays silent.

"I'll keep stealing kisses until you get used to it" I tease him.

He clears his throat. "I-I'm going to my cell now..."

"I know, wait for me, I will go back to you after I save Aidan and the useless package attach to his rescue" I grit my teeth, just remembering I also have to save Nick again pisses me off.

"Don't... don't call him useless package... he's... he's still your... ma...".

I look at him straight in the eye and cut him off before he can finish the sentence.

"He's my nothing, regardless of what everyone thinks, says, or believe, the only one that can decide to be or not to be something with Nick is me, and I decide to be nothing with him, nothing at all".

Regardless of what people think, I don't hate Nick anymore, I already did my mischief, I already got even, for me, Nick is nothing but someone I'm completely uninterested about, an annoying extra.

"...I understand" Liam had a complicated expression, but he didn't explain, and I felt I shouldn't ask.

A guard I didn't know guided Liam to his cell, I know he will stay unharmed, since now this pack are Lucas's and Jos's people.

Then on my own I walk towards the meeting room where all the annoying people from before are waiting plus Conrad and his allege son.

Two guards open the door for me, they have proud smiles and gentle eyes directed at me, when I pass them, they make bow.

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