Chapter 4

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If there was one class that Adelaide truly excelled at, it was Transfigurations.

She was in constant awe whenever Professor McGonagall turned a cat into a cauldron or a ferret into a lovely little feather duster.

So as she walked into class that morning, the world seemed right .... that was until a couple of Gryffindor idiots decided to spend their time annoying her to no end.

Once she had taken her seat near the back of the room, Sirius Black had come out of nowhere and slid in next to her with a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

"Harthwood, what a coincidence!" He said loudly, gaining the attention of several other students.

Gryffindor and Ravenclaw had Transfigurations, and Astronomy together, unfortunately.

"Not really, Sirius, we've had the same class together since the first year," Adelaide said, pushing her hair behind her ear, trying to ignore Sirius.

This statement shocked the boy.

"No, we haven't! I've never seen you in this class before!" He exclaimed.

"I like sitting in the back. Besides, you and Potter don't really pay much attention while you're in class."

"Fair point," Sirius nodded his head. "But that doesn't explain why Prongs and I have never seen you before!"

Adelaide shrugged. "I guess you've never looked for me."

"That is so a Ravenclaw attitude," The Gryffindor boy rolled his eyes but smiled at her anyway.

"Padfoot? What are you doing over .... oh, 'ello Harthwood." James said as he leisurely strolled towards the redhead's desk.

"Ugh, what do you want, Potter?" She groaned, putting her head on the wooden surface in annoyance.

This was her happy place. Her sanctuary. Her one area of expertise.

And now, half of the Marauders were disturbing the quiet.

The back of the classroom was supposed to be a relaxing place, away from the trouble-making Gryffindors!

James tilted his head to the side and smirked at her.

"That's not very nice, Harthwood, not even gonna give me an 'ello back then?"


Sirius snorted at her blunt remark.

"Oh, come on, give me a smile at least." James teased her, sliding in on her other side.

Adelaide gave him a glare.

She was boxed in between them, and this was really beginning to irk her.

"Pretty please, just one smile," James went on, batting his eyelashes at her.

If McGonagall wasn't in the classroom, Adelaide was positive that she would have hexed his annoying arse into the next decade.

"Piss off, Potter." She quietly snapped.

This only caused the Gryffindor boys sitting on either side of her to laugh.

As if sensing that she required rescue, Della appeared next to the desk and cleared her throat.

"Move." She ordered while glaring at them.

"The hell did you come from?" Sirius asked her with a startled expression on his handsome face.

Della rolled her eyes and motioned for them to get up.

"Alright! Alright! We're going Witch, chill!" Sirius said in an exasperated tone as he stood.

James was reluctant to leave for some reason.

But he moved anyway and looked down at Adelaide with another teasing smile.

"Later, Harthwood."

Once the two had gone off to find seats close to Peter and Remus near the front, Della took her seat and gave her friend a questioning look.

"Got some new boyfriends, huh?"

Adelaide snorted in a way that would have made Black proud.

"Merlin's beard, I dearly hope not!" She laughed.

The blonde shrugged. "I don't know you and Sirius would make a cute couple."

"Not a chance!"

"Potter more your style?"

"Heavens no! I'm more into the quiet, bookish sort," Adelaide chuckled, "Besides, I'm really not interested in dating anyone right now."

"A wise decision," Della said, nodding in agreement.

"Peter is kinda cute though," Adelaide said as though it was an afterthought.

She wanted to see what the other girl's reaction would be.

Della blinked a few times then looked towards the front of the room where Peter was sitting with his friends.

"You think Pettigrew is .... cute?" She asked, a small frown creasing her brows.

"Don't you?" Adelaide rested her head on her propped-up hand and arched her brow in question.

Della was quiet for several seconds, then she sighed and shook her head.

"Yeah, I guess he is."

Adelaide didn't push her further, but she planned on recruiting Alexander and the Prewett twins to help her set up Peter and Della.

She was already picturing their wedding. She was Maid-of-Honor, of course.


"Did you know that Harthwood has been in the same classes as us since our first year?" Sirius asked James after they had taken their seats just in front of Remus and Peter.

James frowned.

"No. I've never seen her in here before. Are you sure, Padfoot?" He responded with a bewildered glance towards his curly-haired friend.

"She told me so! Just before you showed up, Prongs!"

"Oh, for Merlin's sake! You two are morons," Remus sighed while rolling his eyes.

The two turned to look at him.

"What do you mean by that, Moony?" Sirius asked.

"Harthwood, since our first year, has had the top score in Transfigurations. She is by far the best student in this class; McGonagall adores her." The young Werewolf said as though it was a completely obvious fact.

Silence followed his statement.

Finally, Sirius and James looked at each other with wide eyes.

"How did we miss her?"

"I don't know!"

"We could have had the top student helping us with homework! Really, Remus, you are just now telling us!" Sirius glared at the taller boy before slumping down in his seat.

James was curious as to how he had gone a full six years without knowing Harthwood.

She seemed like a nice person, and he really enjoyed annoying her (she looked quite cute when her cheeks had a tinge of pink to them when she was frustrated).

Granted, she wasn't his Lily-Flower, but still an interesting Witch to know.

Plus, she was damn-fine Seeker!

James made up his mind then and there; he was going to get to know Adelaide Harthwood.


Hey everyone! So the first few chapters are out, let me know what you think so far! I really wanted to do something where Peter isn't a bad guy, so he's obviously going to be different. Most of the ships in this story are going to be different than the Harry Potter storyline. Tom Riddle will be mentioned eventually, but he isn't going to be like how he was in the books or movies. This is a total AU. So bear with me! Thanks for reading!

Unrelenting Fate: A Marauders Era AUWhere stories live. Discover now