Chapter 7

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Della watched Adelaide with suspicious eyes.

"What are you up to, Birdie?" She asked cautiously while pushing the potatoes on her plate with the fork in hand.

"Nothing! I just thought it would be nice to invite him and have a little fun," The girl said as she wove her strawberry blonde hair into a long braid.

"Right, so you have no ulterior motive what-so-ever?" Della questioned her.

"Absolutely not!"

They turned when a deep chuckle sounded beside them.

Alexander was resting his chin on his propped-up hand and smirking at his two friends as they bickered like an old married couple.

Della rolled her eyes at him and returned her gaze to Adelaide.

"So you just decided to invite a Gryffindor to join us for lunch with no reason other than the fact you thought it would be nice?"

"And fun, don't forget fun!" Alexander pointed out with a laugh of total amusement.

Adelaide beamed at her. "Yup."

Della was about to say something that surely would have made Professor McGonagall glare had she heard when someone plopped down next to her on the bench.

"Halo a h-uile duine!" Royan greeted them enthusiastically.

"Halo air ais! Ciamar a tha thu?" Adelaide responded immediately.

"What's got you in such a joyful mood?" Della asked, shaking her head at their use of a language she couldn't understand.

Royan flashed her his white teeth. "I just got an updated Quidditch schedule! We'll be playing Hufflepuff in the second match this season after Slytherin plays Gryffindor."

"We're gonna whoop those Hufflepuffs! This is actually exciting; I'm excited!" Alexander cheered loudly.

"Right we are! With you and Blaze as Beaters, me, Della, and Jenkins Chasers, Greg as Keeper, and of course Adelaide here buzzing around after the Snitch, we're sure to dominate this year!" Royan said pumping his fist into the air.

"I still don't give a damn about Quidditch I hope you know that, Chase," Della glared at him.

"Just wait until you get out there on a match day, it will all change for you!" The older boy reassured her.

"Whatever," The blonde mumbled, going back to her food.

"Well, I'm excited. I owled my dad, and he was ecstatic to hear that I finally decided to try out for the team," Adelaide said.

"I bet! Merlin, it's unbelievable that you've never played for our house before now!" Royan shook his head, causing his dark brown locks to fall into his face.

"Yeah, you old man is a world-famous Quidditch champion, and your brothers aren't too far off!" Alexander said, referring to her father, Fletcher Harthwood, who played for the Montrose Magpies ever since he had graduated Hogwarts.

Her three brothers, Luis, Phillip, and Collier, all played for teams across Europe.

She was brought up learning to play every position, but Collier had helped her find toon her Seeker's skills, and it had paid off.

When Mattilda, the family Barn Owl, had dropped off the letter from her father the day after she had written home telling of how she was going to be playing this year, he had expressed in writing that he was beyond thrilled with her.

"Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm playing now aren't I?" Adelaide said in an exasperated tone.

Della elbowed her roughly in the side.

"Ow! What in Merin's pants was that for?" Adelaide asked with a glare.

"Peter and the rest of the "Mauraders" just walked into the Great Hall!" Della harshly whispered to her before sinking a bit lower on the bench.

Adelaide turned to see the shy Gryffindor boy making his way towards them, a small smile on his face.

"Ah, wonderful! Della, sit up straight! Alexander, wipe your mouth. You have potato in your hair!"

Royan chuckled as he watched Adelaide mothering the other two Ravenclaw students.

"This is going to be fun to watch!" He thought to himself.


"Come on! Hurry up you guys!" Peter said, waving his hands frantically around in the air.

Remus arched a brow at his friend's rushed behavior.

James and Sirius looked at him curiously.

"What's got your panties in a twist, Wormtail?" James questioned him.

"Yeah, the pot roast isn't going anywhere soon," Sirius joked.

"Nothings wrong! I'm just really hungry, that's all," Peter explained, walking quickly down the corridor towards the Great Hall.

Remus was slightly behind the others as they made their way through the castle, his mind on what had happened earlier in the day by the Black Lake.

Lark's words had made him stop and think about different things.

He wondered why they hadn't really talked before now.

It seemed like he and James were in the same boat now, trying to figure out more about the Ravenclaw students who had captured their attention so suddenly.

By the time he had finished thinking, they had made it to the Great Hall.

Peter's eyes darted around the table full of blue robes.

He caught sight of Adelaide's red hair, and right next to her was Della.

He sighed quietly.

Peter sucked in a fortifying breath and tried to calm his rapidly beating heart before taking his first steps towards the Ravenclaw table.

"Where the bloody hell is he going?" Sirius asked looking at Peter like he was growing a second head.

They watched as he made his way slowly through the crowded hall, before coming to a stop next to the end of the third table.

They saw Peter lift his hand in greeting and were shocked to see Royan Chase return the gesture, along with Alexander Lark, Della Marcello, and .... Adelaide Harthwood.

James stared at her.

What was Pete doing over there? Was he friends with her? Why hadn't he introduced them?!

"Chase is Head Boy, so what's Peter doing talking to him?" Sirius wondered aloud.

Remus didn't reply, his gaze was solely on Lark.

Sirius looked between his two friends and was extremely confused as to why they were both staring with glazed-over eyes at the Ravenclaw table.

"For Merlin's sake! What's going on?" He huffed.


"Halo a h-uile duine!" = "Hello everyone!"

"Halo air ais! Ciamar a tha thu?" = "Hello back! How are you?"


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