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before we start this fic, please take a moment to mentally thank princessniallloves1D, bitethehets, and oBviOuSlY_NotALarry, because they were able to recover this after it got deleted, and they spent half a day emailing and screenshotting each chapter back to me. we wouldn't have this fic without them and i'm so so grateful, i love you three sm <333

i kept all my author intros the same, so some things aren't going to match up lol, please ignore it for my sanity (or lack there of).

hey guys! i hope you all like the first chapter (i had a hard time writing it, i think because the part it left off at was so abrupt and forward with what was gonna happen next (also i didn't realize the first thing i'd be writing would be this lmao)). anyways, here ya go! sorry it's kinda short:/ feel free to comment or message me if you need or want to talk :)

As Louis steps into the shower, the smell of lavender and something extremely distinct yet unnamable immediately fills his nostrils. He takes a deep breath in through his nose, and the sense of familiarity and tranquilness washes over him. He turns the faucet on and waits for it to heat up, then moves forward under the water, letting his muscles relax, not realizing how tense he was. He reads the label of the shampoo bottle (lavender and oak; very Harry-like), and squeezes the soap into his hand.

While washing his hair, his thoughts trail back to Liam, and how the hell he was going to explain this to him. 'Hey, I'm seeing our football coach! That's illegal, you say? Who cares!'. Right, like that'll go over smoothly. He puts his head in his hands, rubbing his temples, willing his headache to go away.

Soon finishing his shower, he turns the water off and steps out. Being the idiot he is, however, he puts his full weight on his bad leg and his knee buckles. He grunts, barely catching himself on the counter in front of him. He really should go to therapy for it, but who has time for that? He can play though the pain- it doesn't even hurt that bad. Kind of.

He tests his leg out once more, deciding it was okay for him to walk, and goes over to the clothes Harry had given him. The jeans look like they'll fit- he'll just have to roll the ankles up a little. That'll give another opportunity to Harry to make fun of his height, though. He's not even that short! It's not his fault Harry's a literal giraffe. Not everyone can be as freakishly tall as he is. He finishes changing and goes to tell Harry that he doesn't think it's fair to make fun of his height when he's as tall as a tree. He opens the door to the bathroom and-

Oh, god.

He opens the door and Harry's there. Harry's there and he's lying on his bed. Harry's there and he's lying naked, under the covers on his bed, red-faced, and staring wide eyed at Louis like he got caught doing something he shouldn't.

Louis decides right then that he could do one of two things; he could leave the room without saying anything, and they would have to have a painfully awkward conversation later on. Or he could be bold. He still feels guilty about confusing Harry by being so on and off with him. He could show Harry that he really is in this time.

He chooses the latter.

Neither of them make a sound as Louis strides over to the bed and climbs right on top of Harry, his legs straddling Harry's hips. He attaches their lips, and Harry gasps, obviously shocked at how direct Louis is being. His hands go to Louis' hair, shoulders, waist, basically anywhere he could touch. Louis grinds down languidly onto Harry's hips and they both moan, creating what is quite possibly the hottest sound Louis had ever heard.

Louis feels so overwhelmed, not thinking until now about what the fuck he's actually doing. Harry's hands trail up his shirt before tugging at the hem, signaling for Louis to take it off. Shaking the nervous thoughts off, he makes short time of it, quickly reattaching their lips. Harry lets out another low moan, from deep in his chest, and that's enough to set Louis off.

His hands go to Harry's hair and he nips softly  at his lower lip, making Harry take in a breath. As he opens his mouth, Louis puts the tip of his tongue in, then a little more. They're both so into it that Louis forgets what he's doing when he gently grabs and tugs Harry's soft curls.

He stops suddenly and lifts his head slightly and looks into Harry's eyes, waiting to see the glare that's there waiting for him. Instead, he sees Harry's dilated pupils, hardly any green in his eyes visible.

He likes having his hair pulled?

Harry, the hardass football coach who doesn't take shit from anyone (besides Louis), likes having his hair pulled.

Louis can definitely work with that.

He smirks into the kiss, tugging Harry's hair again, a little harder this time, something he'd usually be terrified to even try. Harry moans, loud, his hands going to Louis' ass. Louis grinds down onto Harry's hips again.

He pulls down the covers a little further so he could see all of the tattoos on Harry's chest that he didn't know existed. He paused for a moment, letting himself hungrily take in all of the staggering beauty that Harry is, before kissing along his jaw and down his neck. He can practically taste how good Harry smells, and though that might be a strange thing to think, Louis honestly can't get enough of it, the scent driving him mad.

And, of course, Louis being Louis, the universe hating him once more, they're soon interrupted by yet another phone call.

"Jesus fucking christ," Louis breathes into the crook in between Harry's neck and shoulder, suddenly hyper aware of what he just did, and incredibly frustrated that he didn't get to finish it. Harry chuckles, lightly trailing his fingertips up and down Louis' back. He can feel Harry's heart racing, and Harry can probably feel Louis' about to explode.

"'M afraid that's mine this time. Sorry, love," Harry whispers that last part, leaving Louis slightly more breathless than he already was. He rolls off of Harry, letting him reach over to the bedside table to grab his phone. Louis goes to his shirt and quickly pulls it over his head, instantly self conscious. He knows he's lost a little weight recently, with money being a little tight. He just hopes Harry won't notice, though he knows he probably will.

"Fucking Zayn," he grunts,  answering the call. "What, Z?" Harry says, not bothering to hide his annoyance. Louis raises an eyebrow at him, subtly hinting that maybe Harry should be nice to the friend that Louis is about to meet for the first time. Harry waves him off (not without Louis lightly pinching his arm), going back to his conversation. "Okay, okay. Calm down. I don't care, you wanker. See you in a few." He hangs up before Zayn can reply, tossing his phone aside. Louis lets out a small huff, making Harry look at him questioningly.

"I don't think I like Zayn very much," he states. Harry frowns. "I've not even met the bloke, and he's already possibly the biggest cockblock I've ever had," Louis decides. Harry snorts, managing to look rather cute than like.. well, someone who's just snorted. He shoves Louis' shoulder, moving to get dressed. Louis feels his cheeks heat up, realizing how domestic Harry's being.

"Let's hope you become more willing to like someone you've never met throughout the night," Harry says, smirking slightly.

Yeah, ands let's hope Zayn is open to not hating the guy who's illegally seeing his best friend, Louis thinks.

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