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hello fellow connoisseurs of reading! i'm currently sick, so my updating schedule might be a little off for a while (not that i've ever had a schedule before lol) but i'm good so pls don't worry 🤪

hope you guys are doing just stupendous

go tf to sleep bc i KNOW y'all have been up for 3 days and ur running on coffee and willpower

also eat some food and drink some water, or else i won't ever update again

don't forget to vote and comment if that sounds appealing to u

message me if u need something

love u sluts (in a nice way)

-raine <3

"How fucking long is Ryan gonna be here?" Liam groans, putting his head in his hands. "Is he drinking everything the bar has, or something?" Louis chuckles, drawing absently in a notebook.

"Either that, or the rest of them have already killed him, and are trying to hide the body," he suggests monotonously. Liam tilts his head as if he's actually considering the idea, peaking over Louis' shoulder.

"How do you just do that?" He asks in awe. Louis shrugs, trying not to get embarrassed. He examines the drawing of a stag with a heart between it's antlers, trying to decide if the heart needs filled in or not. He deems it does, so he quickly shades it to a dark charcoal. He blends it in with his finger to make it more even, and Liam snatches the notebook from his hands, making Louis whine in protest.

"You should get this," Liam says, taking a closer look at the sketch. Louis frowns.

"Meaning?" He asks, which makes Liam look at him like he's an idiot.

"You should get this tattooed," Liam explains impatiently. Louis snorts, taking the notebook back.

"Right, because I can so easily afford that- what with my high-end job, and rich parents who I definitely live with," he says sarcastically. Liam shrugs.

"I'll pay for it. Think of it as payment for all of the free drinks you give me," he says. Louis immediately shakes his head.

"Absolutely not, Li," Louis argues. "I'd rather be eating sandpaper and glue than let you pay for something for me." Liam rolls his eyes.

"Your need to be independent is almost painful for everyone else, you know," he says grumpily. Louis just shrugs again, shading in the rest of the heart.

The door suddenly opens, making them both jump in surprise. Arie peaks his head in, still looking just as confused as when he left.

"That guy is gone," he says warily. "I'm assuming that's why you guys are back here, anyway. I'm heading out, Lou. I'll see you soon- and thanks again for the tattoo." Louis sighs in relief, saying goodbye and jumping down from the counter, following Liam out into the main room. He sees Harry, Zayn, and Niall looking tense, and he goes over to Harry instantly, while Liam walks over to the other two.

"Everything okay?" He asks, setting the notebook down and brushing his fingers over Harry's hand gently. Harry nods, his lips pressed together tightly.

"If you're asking if Ryan's still breathing, then yes, everything's okay," he says bitterly. Louis lightly slaps Harry's hand.

17 Black (Part Two)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin