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feeling lost because this is the first new chapter we've had in a few months... how are we feeling people

thanks for sticking with me through being a shitty author, you deserve a medals. or a surplus of medals. either one will do.

hope you're doing well with school starting back up! junior year here i come 😀😀

vote and comment if you ever so please

love u sluts (in a nice way)

-raine <3

"I realize that this probably isn't the best thing for you to hear at the moment," Harry says, his breath hitting the top of Louis' cheekbone. "But I think it's time for us to leave."

Louis sighs, because yes, Harry's right. They need to go. Go outside of the locker room, where his sisters are waiting to see him. Where his mother is waiting to see him. Where his impending doom is lingering, waiting to smother him and his battered feelings.

"I suppose," he says quietly, in a way that leads Harry to tilt his chin up with his fingers, and place a soft kiss on his lips. "Promise to not run away screaming because of my issues?"

"I'm still here, aren't I?" Harry jokes, laughing when Louis lightly punches his chest. "I'm not going anywhere, Lovely. Let's go talk to her."

And so they walk out of the locker room, thankfully facing his sisters first thing.

"Louis!" He hears someone shout, and he turns his head to see Daisy running full-speed towards him, a grin spreading across her face. He crouches down to get to her level, arms wide open, laughing as she crashes into his body, her small arms wrapping themselves around him.

"Hey, Dais," He whispers, tears unwillingly filling his eyes. He tightens his hold on her, and she responds by standing on her toes, pressing kisses repeatedly to his cheeks.

"Gross, don't kiss me," he jokes. Daisy laughs, sticking her tongue out at him. "I've missed you."

"Missed you more, Lou," she whispers, burying her face in his neck. "Please come home." He kisses the top of her head, closing his eyes and praying to not break down.

"Is it my turn yet?" He hears a small voice say, and opens his eyes to see Phoebe patiently waiting, nervously wringing her fingers together. Louis laughs and nods, releasing Daisy, her spot quickly being replaced by Phoebe.

"Hi," she whispers, sniffing slightly as her tears fall onto Louis' shirt. He holds her tighter, rubbing his hand up and down her back.

"Hey, Love," he says, kissing her cheek. "Don't cry, you'll make me start crying. And I'm much too pretty for that." Phoebe lets out a watery laugh, pulling back to wipe her face with her hands.

"You're dumb," she says, laughing again when Louis gives her an offended look. "Sorry. Love you," she tells him, and that immediately makes up for her joke.

"Move, I'd like a turn sometime in the next week," Fizzy says from in front of them, and Louis laughs, as does Harry from where he's leaning against the locker room door. Louis lets go of Phoebe and stands up, grunting as Fizzy's arms wound tightly around his middle.

"Ease up on me, Fiz, damn," Louis mutters into her hair. "You're gonna crush me."

"Don't be a baby," she mumbles quietly, not moving an inch. Louis smiles, squeezing her back. "You've got to come back home. Seriously, it's a complete nightmare. Lottie won't stop bossing me around, and the twins are a freaking menace. They're monsters- all of them."

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