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i have to make a montage of a fight scene for film studies and that sounds like too much effort

how are we doing, one word answers please

hope you're all well, i'm currently less than so because i'm in government rn acting like i'm doing research on the electoral college and how bills get passed through congress

vote and comment if that sounds like an absolutely splendid activity for you to participate in

love u sluts (in a nice way)

-raine <3

"Do you happen to be excellent friends with someone who would take my money if I asked them to push me off of a building?" Louis asks the next morning. Harry snorts, struggling to keep his sip of coffee in his mouth.

"I see someone's eager for tonight, then," Harry notes, shaking his head at Louis' lack of filter. "You realize you don't have to go, though, yeah? There's no obligation, here." Louis sighs, running a hand through his hair. His chair is cold against his back, and he props his elbows up on the counter, resting his chin in his hand.

"I sort of do, though," Louis says. "If not for me, then for her. Just so she can see that things can't magically go back to the way they were." Harry nods, giving a small hum.

"I guess," he agrees, though not very enthusiastically, by the sound of it. "I just don't want you to have to go through any more." Louis smiles, bumping Harry's leg with his own.

"I'll be okay," he reassures, not missing Harry's slight hesitation before he nods. Louis quickly changed the subject. "I swear you put drugs in your coffee, by the way. This tastes like what I think Heaven would taste like if it were a liquid. Props to the chef, or whatever the fuck." Harry doesn't react, seeming unwilling to even bother, at this point.

"I think you might just be addicted to caffeine," Harry suggests. "I feel like you haven't been sleeping very well. Maybe this is your body screaming for help." Louis ponders that for a moment.

"No, I don't think that's it," he decides sarcastically. "I'm trying to compliment your grade-A coffee making skills, stop making it about me." Harry's hands go up in surrender, and Louis smiles with approval.

"You're moody," Harry comments, though his tone is more endeared than anything. Louis scoffs, dismissing him with a wave of his hand. A minute goes by where Harry says nothing, and Louis fights back the urge to shift uncomfortably under his gaze. But then Harry's fingers are skimming his sides, and Louis smacks his hands away, not able to suppress his laugh.

"Don't even try it," he emptily threats, his words taking no effect. Harry gives a cheeky grin, before poking his side. Louis lets out a small yelp, taking Harry's hand in his to move it away. Harry doesn't release him, though, and Louis gives his hand a small squeeze.

"Your rings are cold," Louis says, feeling the metal against the inside of his fingers. Harry smiles, taking Louis' hand in both of his to warm it up.

"All of you is cold," Harry retorts. Louis shrugs.

"Maybe you're secretly keeping all the rooms at Antarctic-level temperatures. Plotting my demise, and all that."

"Maybe you're an idiot." Louis purses his lips.

"Maybe," he begins after careful consideration. "You're not completely wrong."

"Compromise is a wondrous thing, Babe," Harry says happily, leaning in suddenly and kissing a surprised Louis twice. "You're a fast learner."

Louis rolls his eyes, but his face feels flushed and he wants to hide his face in Harry's neck. He does, because he can, and smiles involuntarily against his smooth skin when he feels Harry's body vibrating with a chuckle. He gently bites the muscle of Harry's neck in retaliation, tossing his head back with a laugh at Harry's look of offense.

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