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school can suck my ass. i quit.

hope the chapter meets all of the standard levels of mediocrity that is required in a literary sense.

also... we hit 3k reads. in less than a month. wtaf. i LOVE you sluts (in a nice way) SO MUCH!! you're so fucking amazing, thank you for everything <3

don't forget to comment and vote and whatever, much love to you guys:)

message me if you ever need anything <3

Louis' alarm goes off the next morning, and he immediately groans, pressing his phone screen until the noise stops. He hasn't even gotten up, yet he can tell his knee is incredibly sore, which is just perfect for the game tonight. He opens his phone and goes to messages, clicking on Harry's name.

What time is the game tonight, and how do I get out of it?

He hits send, and not thirty seconds later, he gets a reply.

Five. You're not getting out unless you're bleeding, dying, or someone else is dying.


Maybe I am dying, you arse!! >:(

His phone dings again.

Oh, yeah? Of what?

He thinks for a moment.

Dying to get out of the game tonight... :p

He gets two messages, and they crush his fake hopefulness.

Pshh, lame. The game is going to be fine, stop worrying.

Five o'clock. Don't be late ;)

He types out a quick response, and sets his phone on the bed.

You know, I'm seriously concerned as to if you know any other words than "Don't be late". Might have to ask Zayn just how well you actually did in high school literature.

He steps into the shower, hoping the hot water will relax him a little. He usually doesn't get nervous for games, but this is the first time that  it matters for him that scouts are going to be there, and he feels like he's going to shit himself. If he doesn't get a football scholarship, there's no way in hell he's going to Uni. It's not like he has a surplus of money that's going toward it, and there's not a chance he's going to get an academic scholarship, so this is really his only chance.

Come to think of Uni, he doesn't even have a clue of what he wants to do with his life. This past year has basically been about just making it through each day, not preparing for the future. Growing up with four younger siblings, he's always thought he'd make an okay teacher of some sort. Probably Literature, or maybe Drama. He's a decent football player, he can admit that. But he doesn't really think he's the type of player to make it to the Professionals.

He opens the shampoo to wash his hair, and thinks about how he might prefers Harry's- but maybe that's just because it smells like him.He hurries and finishes his shower, pulling on some blue jeans and a white sweatshirt with red printing on it (a/n: the outfit he wore when he performed with bebe). He towel dries his hair, and it looks majorly wind blown, but like he did it on purpose, so he kept it as is (a/n: like in that one video where they're all on stage and he's holding a surfboard (i think it's at an awards thing so i hope y'all know what i'm talking abt)).

He throws on his Vans and grabs his backpack, football bag, and knee brace that probably doesn't do anything, and heads out the door, making sure to lock it before he leaves.

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