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i'm SO SORRY i haven't updated in a bit, i've been in the hospital lol. but i'm home now so i can write more now!!

this chapter is insanely short, but it's late and i'm tired asf lol

what's going on in ur lives rn? i have a meeting with my agency soon and i don't wanna go lmao

i'm still taking finals, or rather ignoring them to write this. i have to pee rn and i'm feeling very scatterbrained :p

ALSO!! a few of you guys said that the last book ended off in january, which i was not aware of, and rewriting what i've written to make it match is something that i'm too lazy to do, so please ignore my dumbassness and just go with it :D

do you guys find it annoying how slow the story is going? i've just realized i take like 3 chapters to write an entire day lol. if you're okay with it then swag, but if not please let me know!



don't forget to vote and comment if u want

love u sluts (in a nice way)

don't hesitate to message me if u need/want to talk!

-raine <3

TW (or is it CW in this case?): panic attack

Sunday comes sooner than either of the boys like, though their disappointment doesn't disrupt their conversations.

"How do people who make dinosaur movies know what dinosaurs even sound like?" Louis wonders, his head hanging off the bed as he lays upside down. "Like, for all they know, dinosaurs could've sounded like chickens, or something. Did someone just scream one day, and they were like 'Yeah, that sounds reasonable', and so they just went with what they had?" Harry laughs, playing with the hem of the ankle of Louis' sweatpants.

"I'm not sure. Can I ask why you've taken a sudden interest in dinosaur roars?"

"Because it's necessary information for me to keep my sanity!" Louis exclaims wildly, waving a hand. "Why wouldn't I take a sudden interest? Is it a crime to have some curiosity, Harold?", he asks, nudging Harry's arm with his foot. Harry shrugs, running a hand through his hair.

"Calm down, Lou, your brain's gonna explode," he says. "I'm not saying your curiosity isn't valid. I'm just questioning your reasons for it, is all."

"Then stop questioning my reasons!" Louis says, sitting up so that he can look at Harry. "My reasons don't have to explain anything to you, you're being offensive. You're offending my reasons, and I'd like for you to apologize to them."

"I liked you better when your throat hurt, you talked less. You know, if I'd known you were going to be such a pain in the ass to deal with, I would've done some serious reconsideration when I asked you to be my boyfriend," Harry huffs, rolling his eyes. Louis' jaw drops, his eyes widening.

"Hey, don't mix up the story, here. You practically forced me to be your boyfriend, there wasn't much asking in the process," he says jokingly.

"What- I didn't force you!" Harry says worriedly, nervously playing with the rings on his fingers. "Do you really feel like I did? That you didn't have a choice?"

His voice shakes a little, and Louis almost does a double take, sensing what almost feels like fear seeping through Harry's words. The slight frown on his face and the look in his eyes instantly remind Louis of the night Zayn came over, the same sadness and stress seeming to radiate from Harry's body. Louis wonders what triggered it, but keeps his questions to himself, and instead focuses on reassuring Harry.

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