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two months later and i've finally decided to be a good author again lmao. i've missed you guys very much, thank you all for being patient with me! now let's move this fic along!!

i'm about to get a little sappy, so bear with me and try not to become too disgusted.

WE HIT 300k READS LAST SATURDAY AND IM ABOUT TO CRY HAHAHA. seriously, though. all the love and support you guys have shown me throughout writing (and lack thereof) this fic are amazing. you guys mean the absolute world to me, and you're my favorite part of every day. reading all of the comments and messages that i get just reminds me how lucky i am to have readers as sweet and appreciative as you guys!! so thank you for sticking with me through all my crazy, and for everything you've given me over the last 7 (!!) months, i love you all a large amount most of the time.

i'm writing all of this after i've written the actual chapter, and now i'm currently sitting in my ex's bathtub while he's sat in the sink and attempting to throw m&ms in my mouth. he's blasting tame impala and yelling lyrics at me angrily- throughly confused.

vote and comment if you don't feel it's detrimental to your emotional mental and physical well-being

love u sluts (in a nice way)

-raine <3

After spending ten minutes trying to lock himself in Harry's bathroom to avoid getting cold water thrown at him, Louis reluctantly drives himself home, quickly slipping his day-old clothes off and putting them- along with his grotesquely overwhelming amount of laundry- in the washer.

He gets in the shower and tries to be as quick as possible, not wanting to be late for school for what seems like the hundredth time this year. The ladies at the front desk surely have it out for him by now, if his attendance record is anything to go off of.

He realizes about thirty seconds into the shower, though, that he's the most exhausted he's been in a long time, and he'll likely fall asleep if he doesn't actively attempt to not do so. Shoving the thought to the back of his mind, he decides that letting coffee and his anxieties wake him up enough for the game sounds at least halfway promising.

He smiles slightly, thinking about how excited Liam was when talking about the scouts, but then wonders if he's been a somewhat shitty friend, as of recently. Not that anything is actually wrong, but they used to spend quite a bit of time with each other before Harry was in the picture. Liam hasn't seemed necessarily distraught by his lack of being present, but Louis still feels a little guilty.

Perhaps he should do something about that before the guilt has the chance to suffocate him.

He quickly finishes showering and gets dressed, towel-drying his hair and leaving it in its slightly messy-yet-acceptable state. He quickly makes some coffee and prays to whatever coffee God (that may or may not be out there) to put some sort of magically enhanced caffeine in his cup of what he realizes is technically bean-water.

As he sips his coffee, his phone buzzes in his pocket, and he smiles as he reads two texts from Harry.

Harry: I'm already bored, please save me. 

Harry: Also, you got water on my bed. :(

Louis rolls his eyes a bit and quickly types a response.

Louis: Your boredom sounds like a personal problem, Love. Bring it up with someone nice enough to assist. And if you didn't want wet sheets, then you shouldn't have started splashing water on me- I always win.

Louis is surprised with how soon Harry answers- he must be as bored as he says.

Harry: Not true, jerk. I happen to super good at winning tons of stuff.

17 Black (Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now