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i have to write and present a speech for english.... kill me now :)

hope you like the chapter! i can already feel the writers block starting to come lol. i want you guys to know that i try to update every chance i get, but school and shit is really kicking my ass rn, so i apologize if it's not quite enough

stay safe as per usual, don't be dumb

don't forget to vote, comment, share, whatever there is to do. feel free to message me for anything <3

also I LOVE YOU SLUTS (in a nice way)

When they finally get to Louis' car, he's unimaginably relived that he gets to stop walking. His knee hurts like a bitch, and was practically leaning on Harry the entire time it took to get to the parking lot.

"Lose the sad look on your face," Louis says breathlessly, looking at Harry's downright pitiful expression. Every time he glances at Harry, his mouth is turned down, and his green eyes, that are usually gentle and warm, hold what appears to be guilt. Harry frowns, eyes shifting away.

"You're hurt! And technically I'm responsible. I've been hurt before, I know how much it sucks, and I feel terrible. I should have sat you out," he says, voice remorseful.

Louis shakes his head, not letting Harry take the blame. "No, stop that. I made you put me in, it's not your fault," he says.

Harry's frown remains, and he sighs, exasperated. "Yeah, but that doesn't matter. I make the final call, I shouldn't have put that much pressure on you. If I-"

"Harry, stop," Louis interrupts. "Seriously, I'm okay. It'll be fine after a few days, it's not like I need an amputation. Settle yourself, Styles."

Harry huffs, but doesn't say anything, and Louis counts that as a win. Louis throws his football bag in the backseat, and turns to Harry.

"I need to go home and shower so I don't smell of mud and sweat. I'll be over later?" He asks quietly, hoping Harry couldn't decipher the embarrassment in his words.

Harry hums in agreement, a hint of realization flashing in his eyes. His hand moves up to brush against Louis' face, and Louis swiftly hits it out of the way, making a loud smack sound.

"Don't touch me," he whisper-shouts, and a look of pure shock washes over Harry's features. Louis frowns, then blushes once he realizes what he just did.

"No! I didn't mean it like that. There's, um, still people who are here. And I'm assuming you'd like to keep your job," he adds.

Harry nods at that, and runs his fingers nervously through his curls. "Right, yeah, thanks," he breathes. "I'll... I'll see you later."

Louis suppresses a smile by biting his bottom lip, unlocking his car. "Bye, Harry," he says, opening his door.

Harry chuckles, turning to walk away. "Bye, Lou," he calls, not looking back.

Louis shakes his head, gets into his car, and starts to head home.

While he drives, he thinks back to the scout that had approached him and Liam. He never would have thought that would ever happen to him. I mean, sure, he's good- he won't deny that- but he doesn't think he's that good. He actually wasn't even thinking of scouts when he was thinking of how to make the free kick. He just didn't want to sit out.

He does feel guilty for making Harry let him play, though. He forgot that Harry had mentioned on his first day that a knee injury is what took him out of the game.

He quickly parks his car and walks- or rather, limps- into his apartment, grateful that it's in the same condition that he left it in this morning. He makes his way into the kitchen to find something to settle his hunger, but comes to find that he doesn't really have any food. He sighs, making a mental note to go grocery shopping later.

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