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i have no idea what to do for this chapter so i'm making it up as a write it. hope it doesn't suck HAHA

i'm in the waiting room again and seriously the smell of the cleaner here is MANK 😭😭

don't forget to vote, comment, share, whatever the fuck there is to do. stay safe, wear a mask, u guys are awesome

"I should probably go," Louis whispers into Harry's neck. They haven't moved from their position, neither of them knowing how long they've stayed like that.

He feels Harry sigh a little. "I guess you should, yeah. I'll see you tomorrow?" He asks. Louis smiles into his shoulder, trying to mask the fact that his cheeks are turning pink at Harry's words.

Jesus, he needs to calm the fuck down, all he said was that he'll see Louis tomorrow. Obviously, because he works at his school. Louis rolls his eyes at himself.

"Unless I'm skipping school, then yes, I'll see you tomorrow," he teases, hoping he can make Harry smile. He pulls his head back, and sees the corners of Harry's mouth turned up, just a little. But it was enough for him.

Louis smiles back, preparing himself to leave. He's honestly not looking forward to going back to his apartment- it feels too empty, too quiet. It's quiet at Harry's, too, but it's more of a comfortable silence, a safe silence.

As Louis begins to stand, Harry catches his wrist. "Unless you want to stay," he says hesitantly, barely audible. "You don't have to, obviously, but. If you want to," he adds quickly.

Louis looks into his mesmerizing eyes, eyebrows slightly furrowed, trying to read his face. Though it hasn't even been an hour, he notes that Harry's acting... different than usual, more... vulnerable? Is that even the word to describe it? Like he's afraid that Louis will just disappear into thin air, or something. He wonders if something's changed, or if he's secretly still upset about the Zayn thing. Harry's never this open about anything he feels, always stone-faced, ready to deal with anything as it comes. This is such a different person than the Harry he's already so used to, and he doesn't know how worried he should be.

Louis decides to leave it alone. It's probably best to not bring it up right this moment, especially since he doesn't actually have an idea as to what's going on in Harry's head. By the way he's acting, though, like if he opens his mouth Louis will up and leave, he can't help but think that maybe Harry's been through something like what happened tonight before.

Louis gives Harry a reassuring smile, nodding his head. "Yeah I can stay, if I won't be in the way," he says.

Harry smiles a little, looking less anxious than a moment ago. "You're never in the way," he says.

Louis scoffs, sarcasm filling his voice. "Well, I know that. I was just being courteous, is all. Of course I'm never in the way."

Harry's dimples dig into his cheeks, eyebrows raised in disbelief, and Louis unconsciously reaches up and pokes one of the dimples fondly. He freezes, not knowing why the hell he did that, or what to do next.

Harry grabs his hand lightly, just making contact with him, not moving his fingers away.

A phone starts ringing, and they both jump, Harry's hand moving from Louis', Louis taking his hand off of Harry's cheek.

Louis walks over to his phone, looking to see the caller ID, frowning as he reads Lottie's name on the screen. "It's one my sisters," Louis says. "Who should be asleep right now. One second, please, I need to scold her." Harry nods, huffing out a laugh.

Louis answers the call, holding the phone to his ear. "Hey, Lotts. Everything okay?" He asks. He hears sniffling from the other end, and he immediately begins to worry. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?"

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