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i'm so mf TIRED omg school wants me dead


get sleep, eat food, drink water, do your homework

also someone gave me the idea for part of this chapter, but i cant look at my messages rn, so pls comment if it was you so i can tag you!! <33 (i checked, thank you @harriesswallss)

vote and comment if ur mind feels up to it

love u sluts (in an nice way)

-raine <3

When the alarm finally goes off, Louis wishes they had gone back to sleep sooner.

"No," Harry grumbles, pressing on his phone screen until he hits the button to stop the noise. Louis huffs out a small laugh, turning his head to look at Harry.His curls are spread out across his pillow, and his cheeks are softly tinted pink. Louis smiles, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"You don't have to get up right now, you know," Louis tells him. "You don't have to be there for a while." Harry shakes his head, sitting up and resting his back against the headboard. He runs a hand through his hair, his fingers getting caught in the curls. Louis brings his hand to Harry's hair, gently combing his fingers through it.

Dark circles litter underneath Harry's eyes, his skin a little more pale than usual. He closes his eyes at Louis' touch, almost leaning into his hand. Louis frowns, not liking how drained he looks.

"Go back to sleep," Louis says gently, his fingertips making circles in Harry's scalp. "I'll see you soon." Harry sighs, but doesn't argue, and opens his eyes to look at Louis. They're a pale green, today, and Louis struggles to look away. He leans in and gives Harry a quick kiss, not knowing if anything more will make him uncomfortable.

Harry frowns as Louis turns to get up, though, and grabs his arm, pulling him in closer. He connects their lips and holds Louis there, their mouths moving softly together. Louis relaxes into the kiss, his arms wrapping loosely around Harry's neck.

Their foreheads rest against each other as the kiss is broken, and Louis tried to hold onto the moment for as long as he can, because he's not sure as to how the next few days with Harry are going to go, and he doesn't really have a strong desire to find out.

"I'm going to leave before I'm late for the four hundredth thing this month, because of you," Louis says pointedly, their noses brushing. "Go back to sleep, and try your hardest to not shout at your alarm, because it's just doing it's job, and you're not eighty."

Harry huffs, a small smile making its way onto his face. His hand cups Louis' jaw, and he presses another small, sweet kiss onto Louis' lips.

"Maybe the alarm should try to not be such a pain in the ass, if it doesn't want to be shouted at," Harry mumbles. "I don't have a moral obligation to be nice to it- especially because it's an inanimate object."

Louis shrugs dismissively and quickly kisses Harry's cheek, before standing up and grabbing his phone and keys, and silently exits the room, leaving Harry to hopefully get a few more hours of much needed sleep.

He puts on his shoes and leaves to get in his car, taking the quiet and seemingly longer than usual drive back to his apartment.

School is painfully slow, almost to the point that Louis has a moment where he seriously considers getting up and walking out of class, purely out of sheer boredom.

When the final bell rings, his built-up anxiety for practice putting him on edge, and his chest begins to tighten even more than it had been throughout the day. He goes to the locker room and changes into his practice uniform, reluctantly pulling on his knee brace.

17 Black (Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now