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HELLO SLUTS OF ALL KINDS! i have been gone for QUITE some time now, so i'm sorry for that major inconvenience, as i'm sure my absence sent you all into a huge emotional turmoil. BUT IM BACK (at least for a chapter lol) SO DO NOT BE SAD!

writing this chapter was a pain in the mf ass and i'm in the middle of exams rn so sorry if it isn't top tier literary excellence.

so let's talk for a sec. i realize that you guys are used to me updating at least once a week (which i wish i could still do rn), but writing this fic isn't the only thing i do lmao. i have school and a job and not a great home situation (though i realize i'm extremely fortunate to have the things that i do), and i'm still dealing with covid (only the effects though, got my test results back today and your bitch is negative wooooo) and some other things. i understand that when you guys comment asking for a new chapter, it's because you like the book- which i am SO grateful for!! i love you guys so much!!- but it actually reallyyy stresses me out LMAO. it makes me upset that i can't post as often for you guys, and then i rush and my chapters aren't as good. trust me when i say that i hate that i don't update as much as you guys!! i miss reading all the new comments, and talking to you guys is always the highlight of my day!! pls don't think i'm mad, bc you guys are my besties, but i'm just asking for you to have a little patience with me :)


hope you're doing just absolutely spectacular

i have a HORRIBLE headache, but like half of it is because i was crying. not for any reason, sometimes i just need to cry i want to watch netflix but i'm currently 60 assignments (64 but who's counting) behind in school lol

please make sure you're all taking care of yourselves!! whether that be going for a run, drinking some water, or just so much as getting up and brushing your teeth and getting a shower. i know it's difficult sometimes, and we all just need a reminder every once and a while <3

vote and comment if u have the upmost and deepest desire to do so (which you rlly should tbh)

this chapter was originally a lot longer, but whoever hacked into my wattpad deleted it all and i'm too tired to rewrite it all, sorry lol

love u sluts (in a nice way)

-raine <3

Louis spends a good amount of time that night trying to calm Harry down, which takes a lot longer than it has in the past. He lays with him and whispers reassurances, running his hand through his curls, gently tugging his hair.

Harry finally falls asleep somewhere around two, leaving them both with only a few hours of rest. The alarm starts blaring- much too loudly for five in the morning, mind you (and also, to Louis' annoyance, Harry has his alarm set to play "I Don't Wanna Know" by Fleetwood Mac, which is an extremely loud song to be blasted in your eardrums before you're even out of bed)- and Louis very much contemplates skipping school. He reaches over Harry and presses the off button, and lays his head back on the pillow.

"Can we not do things today?" Louis asks, his voice rough with sleep. Harry huffs out a laugh, wrapping his arm around Louis' waist, pulling him in closer. Sighing, Louis rests his hand on Harry's arm, thankful for the fact that he never seems to be cold.

"So you don't want to go to the game?" Harry wonders, his voice muffled by Louis' hair. Louis shrugs, tucking his head under Harry's chin, resting his forehead against his chest.

"Not as much as I did yesterday," Louis admits "My chest hurts. And there's the slight worrisome thought that I'm gonna fuck something up- that's always a fun one- and also my knee will probably retaliate against me, and then I'll have to try to play football with one leg, which isn't something I really want to learn how to do, at the moment."

17 Black (Part Two)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora