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that's all i'm gonna say because lmao my bad 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

KIDDINGGGG guys i'm so sorry lmfao. life got busy and in the way and i suck sm but i love all of you more than you know. thank you for your constant support and for still reading this 2 years later. it's shocking but appreciated lmfao

short ass chapter because i'm tired and just needed to let y'all know i'm alive

vote and comment because it boosts my confidence and god complex (which is always a top priority on my list of everyday needs)

love u sluts (in a nice way) more than you'll ever know

-raine <3

"Would talking about it help at all?" Harry asks after a moment or two. Louis is laying with his head resting (well, kind of restless) on Harry's shoulder, their chests pressing together as they sink into the warmth of the couch. Louis sighs, shrugging slightly.

"Fuck if I know," Louis mumbles tiredly. "She told me she's sorry, which is the bare minimum of anything. Told me to take my time and whatever you're supposed to say. It's not that I don't believe her, it's just... weird."

"Weird how?" Harry asks.

"Like I'm still anxious about it, even though it already happened. The whole conversation was just a big reminder of everything, which sort of feels like shit."

Harry laughs, pressing his lips to the side of Louis' head. Louis smiles into his neck, and feels Harry's arms tighten around him.

"So eloquent," Harry chimes.

"I'm not eloquent. I'm just funny."

"Bold claim."

"Says you, asshole," Louis frowns, shoving Harry slightly as he jabs Louis in the side. They're quiet for a minute, then, Louis just listening to Harry's quiet breaths.

"I love you," Harry says, like it's just a reminder. Louis smiles.

"Yeah, yeah," he says. Harry scoffs at him. "I love you."

"Convincing, thanks," Harry mocks. Louis pinched him, returning to silence, other than his own thoughts.

"Stop," Harry says after a moment. Louis frowns.

"Context?" he asks.

"You're overthinking things," Harry informs, as if Louis is oblivious to what goes on in his brain. "You're frowning like you're thinking too hard." Louis scoffs.

"I'm not thinking too hard, I'm just thinking. You should give it a shot sometime, smart one." Harry rolls his eyes, piping back.

"Well then stop thinking. You're stressing yourself out. Just try and sleep."

"What helpful advice," Louis grumbles. Harry gives him a look. "Oh I'm joking, relax. Sleep, yeah?"

Harry nods, waiting for Louis to move off of him before slowly shifting off of the couch. They walk hand in hand to Harry's bedroom, and Louis immediately goes to take one of Harry's t-shirts, slipping his own off of his head.

"Thief," Harry scoffs from behind him, but Louis can hear the smile in his voice. He shrugs, pulling the shirt over his head and taking his jeans off. He moves to the bed, crawling in as Harry changes, waiting until he joins to get comfortable.

Harry laughs as Louis immediately shifts towards him, laying his head on Harry's chest. Louis pinches his arm as they wrap around him, ignoring Harry's noise of protest. He feels Harry's lips on the top of his eyes, and he closes his eyes and sighs. They stay like that for a while, and Louis is almost asleep as he speaks.

"Don't leave," he mumbles, half unsure of what he even means by it.

"I won't," Harry whispers, his arms tightening their hold around him. "Never."

Louis sleeps soundly, that night.

17 Black (Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now