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i'm so mf TIRED and my head hurts LMAO 🔪

super short chapter today bc my brain doesn't work correctly

i have a shoot on wednesday and it's gonna be all day long and i'm literally tired just thinking abt it

hope u guys are doing just excellent

there might be some drama coming up soon but idk lol

remember to take ur meds, eat, drink water, and sleep or else u hate me

don't forget to vote and comment and whatever there is if u want

don't hesitate to message me if u need anything (my messages aren't working very well atm so sorry if i'm not responding)

love u sluts (in a nice way)

-raine <3

ps: do you guys want me to start another fic? if i do, it'll probably be a uni fic! and i promise i won't update this one any less or anything like that (if i start another fic, i'll probably have a set schedule for when i update them both). so if you guys want to me write another fic lmk!!

Louis wakes up to the bed shifting abruptly, and he rolls over to face Harry, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

By the looks of it, Harry still seems to be asleep, but he's tossing and turning rather violently. Louis peers over Harry's body to read the clock on the night stand, and sees that it's just past two in the morning.

"Please, just... let me leave," Harry mumbles incoherently. Louis sits up, placing his hand gently on Harry's arm.

"Cory, stop," he says, a line forming between his eyebrows. Louis is instantly worried, and shakes Harry's arm lightly, trying to coax him awake. Much to his dismay, this also gives him another opportunity to wonder who the hell Cory is.

"M' sorry," Harry whispers, not any closer to waking up. Louis frowns.

"Harry," he says softly. "Babe, wake up."

"You... you did this to us," Harry murmurs angrily. He starts turning, and Louis quickly takes hold of his arms.

"Haz," Louis says, a little louder this time. "Hey, wake up." He places his hand on Harry's shoulder, shaking him again. Nothing seems to work, though, as Harry continues to mumble strings of confusing sentences.

Louis sighs out of frustration, running out of ideas. He moves his hand into Harry's hair, running his fingers through it softly, and leans forward tentatively, brushing his nose against Harry's temple.

"You're okay," he shushes, pressing his lips to the top of Harry's cheekbone. "Just calm down." He wonders if this is even working, considering there's a big chance that Harry can't even hear him.

He keeps running his fingers through Harry's curls, whispering softly to him and blindly hoping it does something. Miraculously, Harry slowly stops moving, and he returns to a peaceful state, no longer frowning, or mumbling things that concern Louis more than he'd like.

Harry's breathing returns to normal, and Louis frowns, a million questions flowing through his mind.He lies back down, resting his head on Harry's chest. He traces his finger up and down Harry's torso, feeling the dips of his muscles and his soft, pale skin. Harry's arms wrap around him, even in sleep, securely holding Louis against his body.

"I love you," Louis whispers, his lips brushing over the skin of Harry's chest. He feels fear run through his veins as he admits it out loud for the first time, even if Harry can't hear him. But it also sort of feels good- relieving, in a sense. He can't even remember the last time he told someone that he loves them, and he hasn't decided it it feels safe to do so again.

He places a small, shy kiss on Harry's heart, closing his eyes as he tries to go back to sleep, feeling uneasy.

Morning comes too quickly, and Louis shields his eyes from the sun with his hand as it shines through the gapes in the blinds.

He hears Harry groan in protest, and turns his head to see him putting his pillow over his eyes.

"Turn off the lights," he grumbles, his voice raspy. Louis smiles, shaking his head a little.

"The lights aren't on, loser," Louis says.Harry huffs, lifting the pillow to look at him.

"Then turn off the sun," he complains. Louis raises his eyebrows, laughing when Harry sticks his tongue out at him.

"Did you know that you talk in your sleep?" Louis asks playfully, only meaning to tease him.Harry's eyes go wide, but seems to be trying to stay calm.

"Oh?" He says, sounding slightly nervous. "What about?" Louis bites his lip, immediately deciding to lie, to make up some bullshit answer.

"Something about how you're just so hopelessly in love with me," he lies, smiling cheekily and waving his hand imperiously. Harry rolls his eyes, dimples digging into the sides of his smile.

"You're an idiot," he mumbles, rolling out of bed. Louis turns to stand, squinting as the sun tries to blind him.

"The sun is too bright," He says with distaste. Realization suddenly hits him, and he sits up quickly. "The sun is up." Harry frowns, scratching the back of his neck.

"Um, yeah?" He says with confusion. Louis gets up hurriedly, trying to find his clothes from the night before.

"The sun isn't supposed to be up yet," he explains, pulling his jeans on. "What time is it?" Raising his eyebrows, Harry looks at his alarm clock.

"Shit, it's eight-thirty."

"Fucking hell," Louis sighs, frantically looking around for his shirt, before Harry picks it up and tosses it to him. "Can you get my phone?" Harry nods, moving to get his phone.

"Liam and Isaiah both texted you about twenty times," he says with a smile. "And also someone named 'Devil #1'?" Louis gives him a look, taking his phone and putting it in his pocket.

"That's Lottie. And get that smile off of your face," he says, walking past him to get his shoes. "You're the one always telling me to not be late, and now I actually am."

"It's one day, Lou, it'll be fine," Harry reassures, following him to the front door.Louis frowns, slipping his shoes on.

"Shut up, this is your fault," he says.

"How is it my fault?" Harry asks, suppressing a smile. Louis shrugs, grabbing his jacket off the hook.

"I don't know, but it is," he explains, as if it's the most commonly known fact. "Just because I don't have a reason doesn't make it any less true." Harry taps the back of his head, and Louis makes a noise of protest, batting Harry's hand away.

"I'll see you at practice?" Harry says as Louis grabs his keys.

"Yeah," Louis confirms. "Wait, no. My PT appointment got moved to two-thirty, so I can't come to practice today. Sorry, I forgot to tell you." Harry shakes his head.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. Can I see you tonight?" He asks, lightly pulling on the end of Louis' jacket. Louis runs a hand through his hair, taking a step closer to him.

"Um, I'm working tonight, but you can come to the bar, if you want," he suggests. "Bring Zayn, too, if you want. I'm sure he and Liam want another excuse to see each other." Laughing, Harry loosely wraps his arms around Louis' waist, their chests gently bumping together.

"Probably," he says with a grin. "I'll probably be there around six. Is that okay?" Louis nods, suppressing a shiver as he feels Harry's fingers brush over his ribs.

"Sounds great." Harry smiles, giving Louis a short, soft kiss. "I'll see you later," he says quietly, resting his forehead against Louis'.

"Okay," Louis says, giving Harry another small kiss. "Ms. Maine's gonna kill me for missing class."

"No, she won't," Harry says, nudging Louis towards the door. "She's way too nice to even be upset about that."

Louis shrugs, giving Harry's hand a squeeze before walking out the door and heading to his car, already wishing school was over so he could see Harry at the bar.

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