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i'm so tiredddd i could sleep for like 20 days.

hope you guys are doing well!!

don't forget to comment and vote if u want lol

love u sluts (in a nice way) very much

feel free to message me for anything!

-raine <3

"Are you going home soon?" Harry asks a while after he calms down. Louis hasn't moved from his spot on Harry's lap, still delicately running his fingers through Harry's hair, lightly brushing his scalp.

"Not unless you were planning on kicking me out," Louis says honestly, pulling back to look at Harry. His face is no longer red, or streaked with tears. Other than his eyes being slightly more green than usual, you would never be able to tell that he'd been crying- which, Louis never really thought he'd ever see Harry cry.

The expression on Harry's face is unreadable. Dark circles have appeared under his eyes, and his mouth has a slight downward tilt to it- he just looks exhausted.

"Please stay with me," he finally whispers. Louis smiles softly, leaning in and bumping his nose with Harry's.

"Of course," Louis says, giving Harry a soft, short kiss. Harry moves a hand to the back of Louis' neck, holding his head in place, making the kiss slightly more intentional, more meaningful. He pulls back suddenly, giving Louis another quick kiss.

"Thank you," Harry breathes out, sliding a hand down to the small of Louis' back. Louis frowns slightly in confusion.

"What for?" He asks. Harry shrugs, brushing a strand of Louis' hair from his eyes.

"Just in general," Harry says simply. "For not freaking out, I guess? I don't know. I don't usually cry, much less have full on panic attacks." His eyes flick away from Louis' face, and Louis can feel him start to fidget with his fingers. Louis bites his lip, trying to decide on how to continue.

"Well, I'm not a total asshole. I'm not just gonna up and leave for no reason, yeah? And just because you don't usually cry doesn't mean you're not allowed to." Harry nods sheepishly, but doesn't say anything.

"Have you had them before? Panic attacks, I mean?" Louis asks hesitantly. Harry nods again, pressing his lips together in a thin line.

"I haven't had one in a couple years, but yeah. I don't think they were ever as bad as this one, though," he says quietly. Louis tightens his grip slightly on Harry's hair, but in a way that's more comforting, than anything.

"Probably would've been worse if you weren't here," he almost whispers, making Louis' chest hurt.

"Is there anything I can do? To make it better?" Louis asks, feeling incredibly stupid for even asking, because what is there to do? It feels like hours before Harry responds, all though in reality it was only a moment's passing.

"Kiss me," he whispers, his voice barely audible, but Louis hears him loud and clear.

Louis leans in tentatively, their lips grazing together, light and sweet, before Harry tilts his head the rest of the way. Louis immediately feels something that he can't really even describe. Almost the sense of feeling complete, like everything just finally fits. Their mouths are slow-moving, deliberate, and it makes Louis' entire body feel warm.

Harry moves his fingers in little circles on the soft skin of Louis' back, and Louis sighs into the kiss, going completely compliant.

God, he loves Harry.

17 Black (Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now