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my cat won't get off my mf computer and i can't get her to move

hope ur doing at least mediocre

if ur not drinking water ur homophobic

don't forget to vote and comment if that sounds of interest to you

message me if u need anything

love u sluts (in a nice way)

-raine <3

Louis parks his car in front of Harry's house, gets out and follows Harry to the front door. He fidgets nervously with his jacket sleeves, although he doesn't know why he's so anxious all of a sudden. Maybe it's because he feels guilty, or maybe he's just embarrassed that he doesn't even want to be in his own home.

Maybe it's because he can't help but feel almost disgusted when someone tries to help him in any way possible.

"This is basically kidnapping, you know," he mumbles as they walk inside. He toes off his shoes by the front door, moving them aside.  Harry gives him a look.

"But you drove yourself here?" He questions. He tugs on the edge of Louis' jacket, signaling for him to take it off, so Louis slips it off his shoulders and hands it to him.

Harry takes it to hang it up, and the piece of paper makes a noise through the pocket. He frowns, taking it out of the jacket and unfolding it. Louis smiles, finding it more cute than annoying that Harry's being nosey.

"Because I don't want to wake up with ink poisoning because you've taken a sharpie to my face," Louis accuses, watching Harry look at the drawing. "You can just throw that away." Shaking his head, Harry re-folds it and returns it to the jacket pocket, before hanging it up.

"That's way too good to just throw away," he says. Louis blushes, but doesn't say anything.

"I wasn't actually going to draw on your face," Harry comments, leading Louis to the bedroom. "It was an empty threat. I just didn't want you to go to your house alone." Louis frowns, sitting on the bed while Harry gets changed.

"It's not like there's an entire army there that's waiting to kill me," he says, trying not to stare at the dark tattoos that litter Harry's smooth skin. "It's stupid, I shouldn't have said anything. I'm perfectly capable of being there by myself."

"It's not stupid, and I'm not saying you aren't capable," Harry sighs, tossing a pair of sweatpants at him. "I fully trust you to be there by yourself. I'm saying I don't trust everything else." He goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth, leaving Louis to quickly change clothes. He puts on Harry's sweatpants, and goes into the bathroom just as Harry's leaving.

"It's not like I can just avoid my house forever," Louis says, picking up the toothbrush he's been using. Harry un-makes the bed, climbing in and runs his hands over his face.

"I realize that," he says frustratedly. "I'm just trying to help. I don't want anything to happen to you." Louis cringes at the thought, though he wishes he didn't. He doesn't want to make Harry feel like his concern is unwelcome, but he doesn't know how else to react rather than to just push it away.

He spits into the sink, and moves to lean against the door frame, crossing his arms.

"Why are you always so convinced that something's going to happen?" He argues, almost exasperated.

17 Black (Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now