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my head hurts and i'm in desperate need of a wee (you're all my besties now so i feel comfortable sharing that information with you)

here's chapter 17, hope it makes all ur dreams come true :p

don't forget to vote and whatnot if you feel inspired to do so

be safe, don't be a dipshit

throw toast at oncoming traffic!!

love you sluts (in a nice way) <3


"I was supposed to work tonight," Louis says into Harry's soft shirt. They haven't moved from their position on the bed, neither of them wanting to break the contact with each other. "I need to call Arie."

"S' Arie your boyfriend?" Harry asks teasingly. Louis smirks, reaching for his phone from the beside table.

"I wouldn't call him a boyfriend, exactly. More like a client," he supplies, and Harry frowns in confusion, lines appearing between his eyebrows.

"'Client'?" He repeats, making Louis shrug while he pulls up Arie's contact.

"Gotta pay the bills somehow, Harold," Louis scoffs, putting his phone to his ear. It takes Harry a few seconds to realize what Louis was insinuating, and he gives his shoulder a shove when he does. Louis lets out a laugh, shushing Harry when Arie picks up.

"Hey Lou, what's up?" Arie says. Harry grabs the phone from Louis' hand before he can answer, and brings it up to his ear.

"He wants you to know that he's leaving the sex work business, and will no longer be able to meet your needs," Harry says, making his voice way deeper than necessary, and Louis covers his mouth with his hand, absolutely mortified.

"Oh?" Louis hears Arie say, probably confused as hell. Louis jabs Harry in the side with his fingers, making Harry let out a whine.

"Give me the phone, Harry, Jesus Christ," Louis says, snatching the phone from Harry's grip. Harry laughs again, and the sound makes Louis feel warm inside. He shakes his head at Harry, smiling at how stupid he is. He coughs a little, and it makes his eyes water, his throat burn.

Harry's face turns from amused to concerned, bringing his hand to rest on Louis shoulder. He frowns, and Louis nods, letting him know that he's fine.

"Lou? You there?" They hear from the phone, and Louis had almost forgotten that he'd called Arie. Louis clears his throat, returning the phone to his ear. Harry's hand stays on his shoulder, his thumb lightly stroking the skin underneath Louis' shirt, making Louis' suppress a shiver that runs down his body.

"Yeah, sorry- that was some psycho who took my phone. I found him in a dumpster, actually. Quite concerning, the poor lad," Louis explains while Harry gives him a glare. Louis returns the look with a sweet smile, and he can almost physically see Harry's eyes soften a bit. Louis smiles to himself, putting his attention back on the conversation.

"I'm not even going to ask. If you and Dumpster Man end up fucking, please use protection," Arie says, and Louis almost chokes on air. Harry holds back a smirk, and Louis swats at his chest.

"Jesus, Arie! Don't assume the worst from me, will you? If Dumpster Man wants anything from me, he needs to learn some decency," Louis retorts. "Anyway, I called because I won't be able to come in for the rest of the week- unless you'd like some pneumonia. Can you be the bestest friend in the world and cover my shifts?"

"Will you design me another tattoo to take to Matt?" Arie asks, and Louis rolls his eyes. Arie had been getting tattoos from Louis after he'd seen Louis sketching in a notebook on his break. He's drawn Arie a few since they've known each other, and it's not like Louis would say no.

17 Black (Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now