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we got 12k reads!!! i seriously can't believe it, it seems like almost every day we get another thousand reads, which is absolutely insane. i never thought this fic would do well, but you all have been freaking amazing, and i couldn't ask for any better. i love you sluts (in a nice way) so so much, thank you for everything :) stay safe, don't get arrested. here's chapter 14, hope you enjoy! don't forget to vote or whatever lol feel free to message me for anything! i'm always free to talk <3

Harry sets Louis down on the couch, concern lining his eyes as he feels Louis shaking from being so cold, despite his temperature.

"I'm going to go get the tea. Be right back," Harry says, Louis nodding in response.

"Try not to drown in it if you spill it," Louis rasps, earning a chuckle from Harry.

As soon as Harry exits the room, Louis tries to take deep breaths, tries to hold his coughs in. He doesn't want Harry to worry any more than he already is. It's not even that bad- he's definitely had worse.

Harry re-enters the living room, holding two mugs of tea. He sets them on the coffee table, before nudging Louis to move over. Louis complies, and moves so Harry is sitting with back against the armrest, legs sprawled across the rest of the couch. Louis places himself in between Harry's legs, resting his upper body on Harry's torso, his head lying by Harry's neck. He feels Harry laugh, slipping his arms around Louis' body.

"You okay?" He asks, and Louis yawns.

"Tired," Louis answers, voice barely above a whisper. Whenever he breathes too heavily or speaks too loudly, it feels like he's been punched in the chest by a bodybuilder.

"You're clingy when you're sick," Harry notes, and Louis takes a moment to reply.

"Don't act like you have a problem with it." Harry hums in acknowledgment, kissing the top of Louis' hair. He reaches to grab the remote off the table, clicking on the TV, and settling on watching whatever movie shows up. "Stand By Me" appears on the screen.

"Are you good with this movie?" Harry asks. He looks down when he doesn't get an answer, and sees that Louis is already fast asleep. Instead of waking him, Harry grabs a blanket off the back of the couch, and lays it over Louis and himself. He gently pulls Louis' body closer to his, hoping more sleep will help him feel even just a little bit better. The movie plays on, and Harry only half watches it, most of his attention being on Louis.

A while later, Louis feels a warm hand on his shoulder, softly shaking him awake. He groans quietly in protest, twisting his body so that his chest is against Harry's.

"It's time to go to the doctor," Harry whispers, his hand running up and down Louis' back. Louis simply snuggles his head further into Harry's chest, not wanting to get up now that he's finally warm.

"No, thank you," Louis says, and Harry's laughter shakes his whole body, the sound bright and deep. Louis smiles slightly into Harry's t-shirt, before opening his eyes, and craning his head to look up at Harry. Harry looks down at him, the corner of his dark pink bottom lip pulled in between his teeth.

"I know you're tired, but you really do need medicine, or something. You're still burning up, and you're even coughing in your sleep," Harry says, eyebrows pinching into a frown. Louis sighs, already feeling another cough in his chest, despite the burning protest of his throat.

"Yeah, I suppose," he agrees, turning back over to sit up. He coughs a little into his elbow, which immediately turns into a prolonged, painful coughing fit, that has him practically gasping for air. Harry's rubbing his back, whispering sweet nothing's to him.

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