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hope you lot are well :) here's chapter 15! sorry it's short:/

stay safe, don't be an idiot

don't forget to vote and shit if u want. love you sluts (in a nice way), message me if you need anything <3


"So that went well, yeah?" Louis says sarcastically into Harry's chest. He presses his forehead lightly into Harry's t-shirt, wanting the headache he has to die down. Harry huffs a small laugh through his nose, rubbing his hand up and down Louis' arm, raising goosebumps on the skin there. Louis' hands are sweating with nerves, the encounter with his Mum still making his heart race.

"Extremely," Harry murmurs in distaste. Louis lifts his head up to look at him, seeing an unnameable expression on his face.

"Something you'd like to share with the class?" Louis asks. Harry takes his hand off of Louis' arm, and raises it to his face, thumb stroking over his cheekbone.

"Just angry," Harry whispers, as if he's afraid of disturbing the silence. "For you." Louis nods in understanding, resting his head back onto Harry's shoulder.

"How long is pneumonia supposed to last?" Harry asks, and Louis shrugs.

"The antibiotics usually make you feel fine in a few days, but some of the symptoms last for a month or so," he explains while Harry's cards his fingers through Louis' hair.

"Poor thing," Harry says, and Louis just shrugs again.

"S' alright," Louis whispers, exhausted. "My head hurts. Also I might throw up soon, so I suggest taking a few steps back." Harry doesn't move an inch, though, and they sit there in silence, waiting for whatever's to come next.

A little while later, there's a knock on the door, and Johannah enters the room again. Harry has since sat down, so at least there's not another thing adding to the painfully obvious tension in the room. She has a doctor with her, a man in his fifties. He seems nice enough.

"Hi, Louis, I'm Dr. Reagan. I've looked over your chart, and you seem to have done this a few times before. Basically, we're going to get an x-ray of your lungs, just to make sure there's no underlying issues. But, you do unfortunately have pneumonia, so I'll be giving you some antibiotics to treat it. Any questions?" He asks, and Louis nods a little.

"Are you actually having concerns about an 'underlying issue', or is this just protocol?" Louis wonders, making Dr. Reagan smile.

"Just protocol, kid. If you can come with me, the x-rays should be done in about five minutes," he says, and Louis stands, giving himself a minute when the room gets blurry.

"He'll be right back," Dr. Reagan tells Harry, who nods.

"Don't suffocate in the x-ray," Harry says, and Louis snorts.

"Shut it," he snarks, following Dr. Reagan out of the room. He notices that his Mum stays with Harry, though, and hopes nothing will happen while he's gone.

Dr. Reagan leads him down the hall and into a room, and tells him to lay down on the bed that's there. He complies, and watches as Dr. Reagan swings a machine over, and places it so it hovers over Louis' chest. He places a tarp-like thing over Louis' shirt to protect him from radiation, and goes to step behind a wall with a large window, so he could still see into where Louis is.

"This will only take a second," Dr Reagan calls, and Louis nods. The imaging is done just like that, and then Louis is walking back to his room. Johannah is still there, looking like there are tears in her eyes. He quickly shifts his eyes to Harry, who had a calm but stern look on his face.

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