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MY STOMACH HURTS! .... k anyways.

love you sluts (in a nice way) so much, thank you so much for all the love and support that you've shown me :)

don't forget to vote, comment, share, all the shit. feel free to message me for anything <3

also as i'm writing this rn WE GOT 7k WHAT THE HELL ILYSM

also x2 i think i have to get another covid test today and i'm dreading it hahah. stay safe and wear a mask loves!!

Harry returns minutes later with a bowl of soup, a glass of water, and three advil, setting them all on the beside table. Louis' fallen back asleep, and Harry goes to sit next to him, shaking him gently, trying to coax him awake.

"Lou... Babe... Hey, wake up," Harry whispers, running a hand through Louis' hair. Louis slowly wakes up, running a hand over his face, which is slightly damp with sweat, even though he's so cold he's about to start shaking.

"Thank you," Louis says quietly, a noticeable contrast of his usually sassy and vibrant persona. Harry hands him the glass and the advil, and he takes them both gratefully. As soon as he downs the pills, he has a coughing fit, the sound harsh and loud.

When his lungs are finally done attacking him, he looks up slightly at Harry, who has a frown edged between his brows. Louis reaches up and smooths out the line with his thumb.

"Stop that, Haz," Louis instructs, while Harry takes Louis' hand off of his head, and places it on his lips.

"'Haz'?" He questions, the back of Louis' hand moving when his mouth does. Louis' face goes red, which was much more prominent, now that his skin is pale, instead of it's usual sun kissed color.

"I heard Zayn call you it. Sorry," he explains, feeling embarrassed. Harry smiles, though, and shakes his head.

"Don't be. I like it. I like it more when you say it, though. I especially like it more than 'Loser'," he teases, earning a weak swat from the sickly boy in front of him.

"Can't help but face the truth," Louis gets out in between coughs, and Harry moves to the other side of the bed, so that his side is pressed up against Louis'.

"Shut up and eat soup," Harry says, and when Louis opens his mouth to protest, Harry shushes him again, reaching over him to grab his bowl of soup, and shoves it at him.

Louis huffs, but complies, and slowly but surely eats the soup. Harry sits there with him, making sure he actually eats it, and shifts his arm so that Louis is leaning into him, and he strokes at Louis' hair.

Once Louis is mostly finished, he sets the bowl back on the table, closes his eyes, and rests his head on Harry's shoulder, because it feels too heavy to hold it up by himself. Harry plants his lips back onto Louis' forehead, which makes Louis open one eye.

"You really are gonna get sick, you know," he rasps out, voice slightly hoarse. Harry just shrugs in response, not seeming to care all that much.

"Well, you've already shoved your tongue down my throat today, so I think my chances of not getting sick are out of the question," Harry supplies, and Louis opens both eyes at that.

"And people say I'm the one without a filter," Louis mumbles, before coughing again.

"Settle yourself. And you don't have a filter- there's a reason people say that. Now lay down, and go to sleep," Harry says, and Louis frowns a little.

"Have you always been this bossy?" He asks, and Harry gives him an annoyed look.

"Only when I need to be, Love," he says, and Louis' stomach swirls at the name. Who knew Harry was such a sap?

17 Black (Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now