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I love it when I get home from school and Dad is there! He works online so he doesn't have to leave the house, and he picks his own hours.

"Alright there Max?" He smiles. "I'll get you some juice and a snack. Start your homework,"

I nod and kneel at the table. It's parents' night tonight and I'm really scared. Mum and Dad said if I get a good report we can go to the toy shop. But if I don't... Chris always gets shouted at and something spanked for his bad reports. And I haven't been doing well on my homework.

Dad gives me some orange juice and a chocolate bar to eat while I do my homework. "Your first parents' night!" He grins. "I'm excited, I loved Chris' first one,"

"When is Mum coming home?" I ask, just happy Dad is distracted from making me do homework.

"She'll be here for dinner,",

I nod.

Dad picks up Roxie from her living room cot and cuddles her against his chest. He grabs a bottle from the fridge and feeds it to her after testing it's temperature. Testing the temperature is gross, he has to spray it on his arm.

Roxie cries and squirms in his arms to escape the bottle.

"Oh come on baby, you like milk!" He pouts.

"She likes Mum more!" I giggle while watching him struggle.

"Don't you have homework?" Dad smiles at me, a little exasperated.

I go back to doing my homework. I have to write about my summer plans. I don't have any. We're not really a 'planning' family.

'My summer plan is: no scool.'

'I will do: sleepig in loger like on the week ends.'

'My perfect summer would be:'

I have to think about this one. What would my perfect summer be? I grin and write down my answer.

My perfect summer would be: no cris and mum home o the tim

"I'm finished Dad!" I hold up my paper.

"Good job Max, put it in your bag and finish your juice,"

Mum comes home, and we decide to get a takeaway after parents' night for a treat.  "But what if my report is bad?" I ask as Mum and Dad get ready to go.

"Then we'll get one to mourn over," Dad shrugs.

"You're not worried like on Chris' parents night?" I ask, confused. They're so tense when it's his.

Mum looks like she's in thought. "Your first few years in primary school don't matter that much Max. We can celebrate your achievements but it doesn't matter if there are some issues. You're only in Year 1,"

"Chris!" She calls my brother. He trudges down, a forlorn look on his face.

"What is it? I'm in the middle of a game!"

"No you aren't. We told you we had Max's parents night tonight. You have to stay down here and babysit him,"


"We gave you plenty of notice," Dad shrugs. "Stay downstairs and watch him. You're allowed whatever snacks you want but we're getting a takeaway so try not fo fill up so much," 

"That isn't fair! My game is on!"

Dad sighs. "We reminded you yesterday. No excuses,"

They leave for parents' night and it's just Chris and I. He's watched me before, but not for a whole hour! He starts up the stairs.

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