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I acc need recommendations for reads. Anyone got any stories they wanna share? I like sci fi, family stories, romance, whatever.

I'm having Gregory and Jemima over for a sleepover tonight! I like having people over more than I like going over to theirs. It's not that I'm scared or get homesick, no way! I just like being in my own bed, as Mum says. When they arrive, Jemima wants to pretend to be a band and put on a show for my parents! That'd be cool. My parents like classic rock music so I get my mane from my lion costume and put it on so I look like one of the glam stars from the 80s my Dad liked. I pull all the clothes out my wardrobe and let Jemima and Gregory dress up too.

Like those classic rock stars, I get the black fade makeup from my dressing up box. I'm not meant to use this without supervision but it's supposed to be a surprise show!

Jemima uses some on herself, me and Gregory too. I make myself look like a panda, like those stars did with all their eyeliner. Gregory paints his face to red and blue and white like the Union Jack colours. Jemima does pink flowers, and I help her with the green stalks! We toss the face paint box down on my bed.

We make up a song and we're going to do a dance routine. I'm going to sing and Gregory is going to jump on the table and dance and Jemima is going to pop out from under the table since she's the youngest and smallest of us and can fit in there. We put a sheet over the table and start practicing our routine.

"You're not allowed to climb on the table!" Jemima says while Gregory climbs up to practice. All our faces are covered in face paint from my face paint set. It's on our clothes and the floor too but we can wipe it up and pretend it didn't happen.

"Don't be so wet," he stands up on the table and tries jumping off. But the big scarf he has draped across his shoulders as part of his costume catches on the drawer handle. He lands flat on his face!

Jemima and I squeal in fright, and when he looks up - he has blood coming from his nose! He starts crying.

"Mum, Dad!" I run out my room. They must've heard the thud because they're on their way upstairs already. I don't think I've ever seen them move so fast! They don't even notice the makeup. Mum gently helps Gregory up and starts comforting him while he cries and Dad phones his mum to come and get him.

We rush Gregory into the bathroom to clean up his nose. Mum tells him to keep his head up and she uses tissues to block his nose. Jemima is crying a little bit too and I hug her. "It's okay he only got a nose bleed,"

"Th-That was scary!"

I nod. "S'alright, he'll be fine!"

Mum tries to wipe the makeup off Gregory's face. "Shit..." We come over and see that it's still all red under the makeup.

"What's that?" I poke his face. "Why's your face red?"

"I-I don't know!" He cries. Mum presses her hand against it.

"His face is really hot. Bill, phone his mum again!" She pours water from the cold tap on a cloth and presses it against his skin.

Todays the day Gregory finds out he's allergic to makeup. 

Gregory's mum comes to pick him up and take him home. After they're gone, Mum and Dad turn to us. Jemima's still crying a bit.

"Do you want to explain what you were doing?" Dad folds his arms over his chest. "You know you're not allowed to climb on the furniture! Gregory got hurt because of that,"

"We tried to tell him!" Jemima whines. "But he was barely up there and just fell down!"

Dad sighs and puts his fingers on the bridge of his nose. It's like superheroes do when they have to do something bad to do something good. "Alright, that wasn't your fault. I'm sorry for shouting about it," he looks around. "But look at this room!"

"You definitely went all out with the paint," Mum picks up my pillow that's covered in it. "It's too late to change your bed. You know you're not allowed to play with the makeup unless your Dad or me is here,"

"We wanted the show to be a surprise," I mumble, and Mum sighs the same way Dad did.

"Please don't send Jemima home!"

"We won't, it's too late to do that anyway," Mum says, and we look at each other with a smile. "But we'll be talking about this tomorrow, alright?"

I nod. "Yes Mum,"

Jemima and I watch Aladdin. And since I'm already in trouble and can't get in any more, I sneak into the kitchen and get some chocolate biscuits from the jar for us!

"Thanks Max," Jemima and I eat them while the movie is on and then I switch off my KidSafe TV. It doesn't show programs, it only plays DVDs.

The next morning, Jemima's parents pick her up. Mum tells them about the makeup and they both laugh. "Our daughter loves playing with my makeup," Mrs Johnson smiles. "When she was a baby, she painted her whole body in my powder!"

I'm glad Jemima isn't in trouble. My parents didn't tell them we got it all over the room. When they drive away, Dad puts his hand on my shoulder and leads me inside.

"I know it's not your fault that Gregory got hurt, Dad stands me in between his legs. I feel trapped her. It makes me squirm. "That wouldn't have happened if you'd all been behaving and following the rules. I know you wanted to do something nice for your Mum and me, but next time be smart about it,"

I nod. "Yeah Dad. I'm sorry,"

"You can spend the day helping Mum and I clean your room and the house,"

"Awww," I whine, I think Dad tries not to laugh but he isn't very good at pretending.

"That's your punishment for that messy room of yours. But you also broke one of the rules that you knew we put in place for a reason. Just that reason! You got it all over your room,"

I feel tears in my eyes, and my heart beats faster. I don't like where this is going, and I don't want a sore bum. "Please don't spank me! I won't do it again,"

"You shouldn't have done it in the first place," Dad hugs me and then sits me on his lap. "Just to remind you for next time, alright? You're a good boy,"

Dad plus my pyjama pants down and I squirm and kick my legs. I hate being spanked bare!


I whine. Dad isn't spanking hard, but it still hurts!




"Owie!" I kick my legs but I don't have to cry. I'm a big boy! This doesn't make me cry.



Dad stands me up and wipes my eyes. "Alright, your Mum is in your bedroom. Go and help her change your bed,"


He ruffles my hair. I can see it all flop over my eyes. It makes me giggle. "Off you go,"

"Okay!" I smile and run up to my bedroom. I don't really mind helping Mum clean my room.

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