Memory 37: Last Surprise

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"Fuuuuuuuuck," groaned Izaru, "Are we ever really gonna find this guy?"

Izaru and Minny were riding the tour bus back to the mansion, having just finished scouting out another Magia user. They were both exhausted, having to fight a user who had specialized in nails and wood.

"You just have to be patient," said Minny, pulling out Yosuke's notebook from her bag, "We're almost through with all of the Magia users."

"Still," complained Izaru, "It's pretty boring and troubling to risk our lives every time we meet a Magia user around these parts."

"Just chill out for a minute," smiled Medusa, relaxing inside Izaru's back, "Enjoy life as it is before we get into our next big fight."

Minny began putting back the items in her bag, "Yeah, we only have—"


A streak of light zoomed by Minny, running out of the tour bus.

"What was tha—" asked Minny before she noticed, "Hey! My bag's gone!"

"That streak of light probably took it!" exclaimed Izaru.

"That was surely Flash Magia," commented Medusa, "The ability to go through hyper speeds. He's probably long gone now."

"But all my money and notebooks were in there!" cried Minny.

"Do you need help finding that guy?" asked a woman by their side.

Izaru and Minny turned to their side, seeing a tall lady with black hair. She had a blue cap on and had a notebook in her hands.

"Who are you?" asked Minny.

"Mai Cherizu," she replied, "I'm the tour guide for this bus. You need help on finding that guy right?"


"My Magia can help you out."

Mai laid out her blank notebook in front of them. Izaru and Minny were confused until they found out that a map was slowly rising from the notebook, as well as a glowing red circle at a point in the map.

"Woah," gasped Izaru in awe, "What is this?"

"It's my special Map Magia," smiled Mai, "I usually use it to help alongside my tours, but I can also use it to find people. Although it can't pick out the specific person, it can find out the area where the person is in. Around here!"

"Got it!" said Minny as she and Izaru got out of the tour bus, "Thanks for your help! We'll get back to you soon!"


"Nothing but junk," mumbled the thug, pulling out the notebook, "Woah! This lady was loaded! Look at all this cash!"

"It's a lot, isn't it?" said the figure behind him.


"Did you have to knock him out unconscious?" asked Minny.

"Hey, he's the one who stole your bag," shrugged Izaru, "He could've ran off again."

"Let's get back to that tour lady," said Minny as she wrote down on her notebook, "She's the perfect match that we needed!"

"Laura, ready up your painting," said Exodus.

"My painting skills will wow the competition!" smiled Laura.

"And Mai, we need you to find a person named Kaminaro Suzumiya," said Minny.

"Got it!" replied Mai as she laid out her notebook.

As soon as the map appeared on the notebook, the red circle began to glow on it, showcasing where Kaminaro Suzumiya was. Laura was already on the way for painting the picture. With her Precision Magia, she had the ability to single out Kaminaro Suzumiya and what he exactly looked like. Soon, after a few minutes, Laura was finished.

"Woah.. that's definitely Kaminaro Suzumiya," said Minny.

"Except... he now goes by Masao Yotsu," wrote Yosuke, "It possibly because of his sub-Magia he obtained from breaking the Magia Orb again."

"It's pretty cool, actually," commented Medusa, "To receive a sub-Magia... no one has ever broken or had a chance to break a Magia Orb in a thousand years. This guy must've been truly lucky to even get out of the situation he was in."

"We'll have to develop a plan on how to encounter this guy," said Izaru, "But we really can't afford any more time. We need to take him down now before he starts killing again.

And Exodus."

Exodus perked up.

"Don't get in the way of a man's pride."

"Hey, Izaru!" exclaimed Michael, "C'mon!"

However, it was too late. Izaru and Medusa had already left the mansion, looking for Kaminaro as they memorized the map. Christ put his hand on Michael's shoulder.

"Don't worry, my boy," said Christ, "Izaru is a strong one. He'll hold out before we can get to him. For now, let's develop a plan to take this dangerous man off the streets."

"Good," said Minny, "I'll have to talk with Yosuke for a bit, but we can sort out some form of plan right now. I'm suggesting an ambush of Izaru hadn't already confronted Kaminaro, but since he would, we'd have to set up a way to block Kaminaro from escaping.

We don't know the full extent of his awakened Magia, so please be careful."

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