Memory 41: Focus

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"Here," said Minny, handing Wraith a bow.

"What's this for?" asked Wraith.

"It's just a little something my Wraith had used to train his own Dimensional Focus back then," replied Minny.

"I'm not really that good with aiming though."

"You'll get used to it quick. I know he did."

Wraith sighed and pulled the string of his bow, aiming at Kaminaro.

"You don't expect to hit me, do you?" asked Kaminaro, hiding the facade that he was injured despite his dead cells 'regenerating' him, "If a bullet can't hit me through this plague, I doubt an arrow could either."


The arrow flew through the sky, but it hit the ground before it could even get near Kaminaro. Wraith wasn't experienced in using a bow and arrow at all. Kaminaro chuckled.

"....Dimensional Focus!" yelled Wraith.

With his Dimensional Focus, Wraith viewed five different dimensions, each with different attempts to shoot his arrow through trial and error. In one dimension, Wraith was able to see the perfect angle to shoot straight at Kaminaro.


This time the arrow managed to get near Kaminaro! It would've hit him dead on it it weren't for the smoke disintegrating the arrow upon contact. Wraith shot three more arrows at Kaminaro, unleashing them from his quiver, but the smoke wouldn't let the arrows injure him.

"Useless!" yelled Kaminaro, throwing his ranged Plague at Wraith.

He foresaw this through his dimensions and dodged the projectiles. When he looked back, he saw the damage done to the pavement, which slowly crumbled and broke down. Just a single one of these Plagues would surely kill him. Kaminaro threw out more ranged Plague at Wraith, who kept trying his best to dodge them. This amount of energy was tiring him out so Wraith had shot at the edge of the top of a building.

The arrow would then pull him, used as a grappling hook to get him away from Kaminaro. However, Kaminaro wouldn't give up with the relentless offense. He threw more of his ranged Plague at the building. Wraith unhooked from his arrow shooting another arrow right at Kaminaro's feet before slamming down to the ground.

"God... I gotta work on my landings," mumbled Wraith.

"Your arrow didn't even hit my smoke this time," said Kaminaro, ready to shoot another Plague, "Your abilities are feign—"


Kaminaro was knocked back by the explosion caused from the arrow.

"Sorry, but a part of me feels like I'm really obsessed with planning things out," smirked Wraith, "Maybe in another world I was an archer who liked putting people into traps."

Wraith had to be weary though. He only had two more of those explosive arrows, and he didn't think that any of them would kill Kaminaro just based on radius.

"Frustrating little!" yelled Kaminaro, throwing more Plagues.

Wraith quickly stood up from the ground by instinct, his spine getting tingly, dodging the plague and pulling his string to launch another arrow, "What the?"

Once he pulled, the arrow shot at Kaminaro but disappeared. For a split second, both Kaminaro and Wraith were confused on where the arrow had gone off to until—


"Gagh!" yelled Kaminaro, slumping to the ground as an arrow lodged into his kidney, "What the hell?"

Wraith had seen it all with his Dimensional Focus. Something he didn't think he had it in him. His arrow, for a split second, had gone through another dimension, quickly passing through Kaminaro's Plague, and coming back into the original dimension once it was inside the internal range that Exodus had mentioned before. It had completely hit its target!

"That was cool!" thought Wraith all giddy-like in his head and smiling, "I shall name it Dimensional Phase! That's a cool name isn't it?"

But Wraith stopped smiling, realizing that Kaminaro was right in front of him.


In the alleyway was only Kaminaro. There was no sign of Wraith as the Plague began to spread out.

Wraith had died.

Kaminaro tried to escape by then, coming out of the alleyway and running down the street in broad daylight. People around him were frightened because of how injured he was, and began to yell and scream in panic. It wouldn't take long before the police would arrive. However, Kaminaro planned to manipulate their memories the moment they would. Hopefully, he could use the Akihabara Police Force to turn against this band of nuisances.

"But it's not like we're going to let you do that," smiled Christ, "It's written all over your face."

"C'mon, he's injured," said Michael, busting open a fire hydrant that let out a burst of water, "We need to take him down while we have the opportunity to do so."

"Let's go!" yelled Christ, running towards Kaminaro, "For all the people this murderer has killed!"

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