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Latissimus Dorsi – the largest muscle situated in the middle to lower back that connected to the upper arm, to the spine, and the hip. The primary function of the muscle is for upper extremity and also contributed to thoracic and brachial (arm) motion.

Rhomboid muscles – its name's given because of its rhombus shape. The muscles are situated on each side of the upper back that connects the scapula with the vertebrae on the spinal column – easily one of the most important muscles for upper limb movement.

Trapezius muscles – otherwise known as the 'shrug-muscle'. The postural and active movement triangular-shaped muscles are used to tilt and turn the head and neck, shrug, steady the shoulders and twist the arms.

Those were just a few muscles that felt as if someone tossed them in a tumble-dry machine, took it out, tenderized it with a meat tenderizer, and then stuck about a hundred needles in them. 

To say I was sore and stiff the next day would've been an understatement. I slept like the dead but when sleep slowly slipped away in the morning and I tossed and turned, I felt the burn and ache of my muscles. I awoke to an empty bed and when I reached for Mitchell, his side of the bed was empty.

I figured he was somewhere on the yacht and was more than grateful that he didn't wake me. Much like an elderly person with severe arthritis, I managed to get out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.

Brushing my teeth and washing my face was a task and my arms felt like chenille stems that held up the weight of something a hundred times its capacity. I easily related to SpongeBob in the episode where he tried and failed to lift marshmallows from a twig – my arms felt utterly useless and sore.

"Rest some more, shower later," I mumbled to myself as I stared at the shower that looked way too far away at that moment. My stomach grumbled and I glanced down at it, "Eat, rest, then shower."

I had no idea where Mitchell was but caught whiff of his deodorant and cologne in the room and noticed his cellphone that casually sat on the bedside pedestal which told me he was still on the yacht and didn't throw himself off board as yet.

I put on my bedroom slippers, made sure the robe around me was in place, and rather painfully made my way to the living space. I had no idea why my legs hurt because I didn't use many of those muscles on the kayak but just like my upper body, they ached too. 

I was greeted by a lot more sunshine as I reached the living room and squinted my eyes. I finally spotted Mitchell and he sat on the sofa with his legs sprawled out in front of him with one leg propped on one of the rounded, leather ottoman stools. His focus was on the large, wall-mounted television and in his hand was a white game controller.

"There's an X-box on this yacht?" I made my presence known as I pathetically limped my way over.

Mitchell immediately paused his silly game and glanced at me over his shoulder. A grin spread across his handsome features and if it wasn't so painful to do so, I would've internally swooned at his dimples. 

"Good morning, Beautifu..." he trailed off and looked at me with a frown.

"What train did you get hit by?" Mitchell asked and his eyes followed my every step until I collapsed on the seat next to him.

I felt like a ninety-year-old who just ran a hundred-mile marathon and dramatically sighed like one too. I ran my tongue over my lips, glanced at his lap, and answered his question, "El nabo entre tus piernas."

Mitchell's frown deepened, "I know I'm going to regret this but the what between my legs?"

"Turnip," I replied dryly.

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