The Night Begins

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I waited for a response from Mitchell but he just stared between me and the woman. "Well?" I prompted. "Are you going to tell me why she's here or are you just going to stand there and look pretty?"

Mitchell cleared his throat and snapped out of wherever his head was. "Are you mad?"

Was I mad? I wasn't sure but I was certainly taken off guard. "Did you invite her?"

Mitchell sheepishly nodded. "I guess I should've run it by you first, huh?"


"You are mad."

I shut my eyes for a second and huffed. "I'm not mad. Just a little surprised." 

Mitchell was about to respond but stopped midway when his guest spotted him and made her way over. She grinned and before she could get any closer, I turned to leave. 

"Where are you going?" Mitchell gripped my forearm.

"To mingle."

"What's wrong?" Mitchell's brows furrowed. "I thought you liked Kelsey. She got back from London a couple of days ago, still upset over her father's condition so I invited her to get her mind off things. And she's a philanthropist so having her here is beneficial."

I pursed my lips and carefully thought over my words so I didn't come off as a clingy, untrusting, jealous girlfriend. "I don't dislike her." I shrugged. "I just barely know her."

"That's understandable but you can at least say hi before you run off."

Mitchell was right. I might've not expected her but she was still my guest who contributed to the night. I gave in and mentally prepared myself to fake a smile as she drew closer. 

"Mitch!" Kelsey exclaimed and engulfed Mitchell in a hug. 

My eyes followed Mitchell's one hand that landed on her upper back. She wrapped her hands around his neck and stood on her tippy toes while she hugged him tightly. Kelsey was Mitchell's good friend and I had nothing against her but I couldn't help the uneasy feeling that built in my stomach seeing how close she was to him. 

I didn't even get a hug.

Kelsey pulled away after what felt like a lifetime but rested one of her hands on Mitchell's shoulder. "It's been way too bloody long since I've seen you."

"It's been a busy couple of weeks," Mitchell replied. 

"I can relate but it's good to be back." Kelsey's eyes found mine and she smiled. "I apologize for my poor form." Kelsey extended her hand. "Hello, Mila. It's lovely to see you again."

I shook her hand and grinned. "Thank you for being here."

"Of course. I admire your philanthropy. If I'd known you ran this organization, I'd have arranged a meeting with you to discuss ways I could contribute."

"I appreciate that thank you but I'm just starting, I have a long way to go."

"Rome wasn't built in a day, take your time and I'm certain you're going to excel. Mitch always tells me how brilliant you are."

I glanced at Mitchell who stared at me with a grin on his face. "Mitchell is too kind and generous with compliments."

Kelsey playfully punched Mitchell's shoulder. "As he should be. Other than brilliant, you look stunning." Kelsey smirked and winked. "No wonder a certain bloke can't take his eyes off you as we speak."

Mitchell licked his lips, cleared his throat, and quickly looked away. A tiny grin grew over my lips and to tease him, I tapped his cheek. "Keep that mouth closed before you drool."

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