Part One: Chapter One

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A//N: Hi, everyone! This is offically Part One as of today, which takes place in Season 7. Happy reading!

On their knees. On her knees. It wasn't ideal, and it certaintly wasn't where (Y/N) wanted to be. She would much rather be home with her baby sister, Judith, reading a book by the fireplace. But did she have a choice? Not really, no one here did. And so, as (Y/N) Grimes kneeled next to Rick Grimes, her father, she could only helplessly grasp his hand, at which he grasped her and gave her a tight squeeze. A slight breeze blew her (H/C) hair over her (E/C) eyes. As the gravel pinched her knees and irritated the skin, breaking it and letting blood seep out, dust stung her eyes. She held tears back and cleared her throat. She didn't know what would happen, but she had to stay strong. No one would see her weak. Not the Saviors, not her father.

The RV door swung open, and a tall man with a salt and pepper beard walked out, his black hair slicked back. A smile played at his lips, as a bat wrapped in barbed wire was carefully slung over his shoulders. He wore a red bandana around his neck, which hung over his leather jacket. His dark jeans were slightly stained on his thighs, most likely from walkers. His boots kicked the gravel as he walked to them.

"Pissing our pants yet?" He asked, chuckling. He scanned over them, his eyes stopping at Eugene breifly. "Boy, do I have a feeling we're gettin' close." He said, slowly walking in front of them, scanning each and everyones faces. "Yep, it's gonna be pee-pee pants city here real soon!" Emphasising the "real", he stopped short in front of (Y/N). She heard a wolf whistle, but she didn't dare meet his eyes, so she stared at his boots. "Damn, you are pretty." He said, slowly crouching down. "Well, scratch that, you're drop dead gorgeous!" He said, pointing his bat to (Y/N). He inched closer, cupping (Y/N)'s chin in his right hand, his bat over his left shoulder, his hand steadying the grip. "What's your name, dollface?" He asked. (Y/N)'s eyes adverted his, looking to the side, though she could feel his smile on her.

Suddenly gripping her chin harder, he slightly shook her head, pulling her closer to him. "Speak when spoken to!" He yelled, his tone irritated. (Y/N) flinched, stifling a whimper. She met his eyes with hers, glaring into them. She parted her lips to speak when her father squeezed her hand, nearly making her cry. "(Y/N)." She said, her voice cracking. She didn't like how her name sounded, and it left a bad taste in her mouth. Negan dryly chuckled. "(Y/N). . ." He repeated, sending a shiver down her spine. She didn't like how her name settled in his mouth, either.

He let go of her chin and she immedeatly dropped her head, advoiding his gaze as he stood up, letting out a long whistle. "Now, which one of you pricks is the leader?" He asked, his eyes finally leaving (Y/N) and searching the group. "This one." Simon said, gesturing Rick from behind with his gun. Negan's eyes flew to Rick, then down at their hands intertwined.

"Oh." He said. "Oh, you two must be a thing." He remarked. (Y/N) nearly threw up. "That's my dad, dumbass." She said, without thinking. Rick shot her a glance, making her lower her head. Negan burst out laughing. "Of course he is! Oh, I'm so stupid." He said between laughs. As he collected himself, he sighed and stood in front of Rick. "Hi. You're Rick, right? I'm Negan. And I do not appreciate you killin' my men. Also, when I sent my people, to kill your people for killing my people, your people killed more of my people!" Negan paused, perhaps for dramatic effect. He shook his head. "Not cool." (Y/N) resisted the urge to stare him down. "Not cool. You have no idea how not cool that shit is. But. . .I think you're gonna be up to speed shortly." He paused and looked at the group of them. In a slightly lower voice, he said, "You are so gonna regret crossing me in a few minutes." And then, the smile resumed on his lips. "Yes, you are!"

"You see Rick, whatever you do, no matter what, you don't mess with the new world order. And the new world order is this, and it's really very simple. So, even if you're stupid, which you very well may be," Rick slowly nodded looking around, "You can understand it." (Y/N) hoped he was done with this stupid little speech. "You ready?" Negan asked. "Here it goes, pay attention." He dragged his bat off his shoulder and gripped it harder, pointing it at Rick, smiling once more. "Give me your shit...or I will kill you." Rick stared straight ahead of him, his hands retreated to his lap. "Today was career day," Negan continued, walking along the line of them, swinging his back at his side. "We invested a lot so you would know who I am, and what I can do." He stopped in front of Michonne, pointing his bat at Rick. "You work for me now. You have shit, you give it to me. That's your job. Now, I know, that is a mighty big, nasty pill to swallow, but swallow it, you most certaintly will! You ruled the roost." He continued, walking to Rick. "You built something. You thought you were safe, I get it. But, the word is out. You are not safe." Would this be the part where the suspensful music kicked in? "Not even close. In fact you are pegged, and even more pegged if you don't do what I want. And what I want. . ." More dramatic effect pausing as Negan looked around, "Is half your shit. And if that's too much, then you can make, find, or steal more, and it'll even out sooner or later." Hoping he would finish his stupid little speech, (Y/N) couldn't help but roll her eyes and scoff, a little too loudly.

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