Part One: Chapter Twelve

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Pulling away for air, (Y/N) panted slightly, her eyes down as their foreheads pressed together. He looked at her lips, his breath on her lips as he let out a chuckle. She frowned slightly.

"What?" She asked in a small whisper.

"Nothin'..." He replied in the same whisper, leaning back in and kissing her again. She ever so slightly pulled back, then pulled fully away for air. He let out a breathless chuckle before standing up.

"What- Where are you going?" She asked, watching him grab Lucille and head to the door.

"I got shit to do. People to lead." He looked over his shoulder, winking before walking out. "See you tonight, doll." And with that, he closed the door behind him. She flopped on her back, putting a pillow over her flustered face and letting out a small scream. She was so confused, and she didn't even know why she felt like this. She shouldn't.

"After everything. How could you, (Y/N)?" She mumbled to herself, standing up. She sighed deeply, wiping her palms on her shorts again. It really had been a long day. Making her way to the door, she peeked out before stepping out. She wondered where all the doors lining the halls went to. She strode down, her fingers sliding across the wall as she walked. Stopping at a doorknob, she rattled it, and to her surprise, it opened. She pushed it open, walking in. "Oh, hey. Sorry, I didn't know this was where you guys slept, or whatever you do in here..." (Y/N) rambled. In the room in front of her, there was similiar enterior to Negan's room.

His wives sat around, chatting and minding their own buissness. The one who basically made-out with Negan smiled warmly, walking to her and holding her hand out.

"I'm Sherry. That's Amber, Frankie, Tanya, And Sydney." (I don't think they ever mentioned his last wife's name so I improvised lol)

(Y/N) shook her hand, smiling warmly. "I'm (Y/N). You guys are his wives, right?" She asked as Sherry led her to a couch. They sat down together and Sherry carefully grabbed a glass with a small portion of what she was assuming was whiskey. "Yeah, we are." The blonde, whos name was Amber chimed in. Her eyes were red and there were bags under her eyes. She looked so tired.

"You're his newest toy, then?" Frankie, the red-head asked. (Y/N) turned to her. Her smile and words were playful. "You're his oldest one, then?" (Y/N) asked in the same playful tone.

Frankie let out a laugh that almost sounded like a bark. "Fair enough." The women all chatted together, swapping stories and how they came to be in this situation.

"Dwight was. . .he is my husband. When Daryl, your friend, found us, he was helping us out. He shouldn't have, he was stupid. We tied him up, and he still helped us." Sherry said over her glass, her eyes on the ground. (Y/N) put a sympathetic hand on hers, encouraging her to keep going. "My sister died that day. Negan was going to marry her, we had to run. But then we had nothing left to run to, no one to run to. We had to go back. Daryl said we would be sorry, and he was right."

She let out a long sigh, setting her glass down on the table in front of them. "He was going to kill Dwight, you know. But, I married him. He still burned off half of Dwight's face, but he's alive. I wish neither of us were, I really do. It's hell not being able to say two words to him." (Y/N) gave her a squeeze with one arm as she wiped the tears away. "Sherry. I promise you this, okay? I fucking hate Dwight with every fiber in my being, but I promise you, I will get you two out of here in the end." She offered a weak smile to Sherry, who returned it. "You too, Amber." (Y/N) added, turning her head to Amber. Amber's heavy eyes fixated on (Y/N) for a second, then they dropped to the floor, shrugging.

"It doesn't matter. My mom needs this." The bottle of wine was empty when Amber brought it up to her lips. (Y/N) saw Negan in a whole new light now. Not really new, but it was a light she hadn't seen in a while. A fucking monster. She didn't think he was this low before, but seeing what he's doing to these women, she knew he was all bad and was lower than the lowest. "It does, Amber. It does. He'll go down, okay? My Dad will fight. And he'll win. He's done it before. Even when everything and everyone, even the fucking universe was against him, he won. I promise you, guys. We'll get out of this." (Y/N)'s speech gave them a little bit of hope. Frankie's eyes sparked with hope for a moment, but the spark died down quickly.

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