Part One: Chapter Twenty-Five

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In fresh clothes, if you call a baggy t-shirt and small shorts and bulky army boots fresh, and something in her stomach to hold her over, (Y/N) stood with Daryl at the gate as he filled her in on everything that had happened recently. It was crazy how she was in her own world and all of this was happening. Maggie was still alive, a new place called the Kingdom rose, Hilltop, Oceanside, and the Scavengers by their side. It sounded unreal. She had never dreamed that so many other places existed where those found a save haven. Well, mostly safe.

"I thought you got out a while ago." Daryl remarked, tilting his head to her and frowning, though you could hardly tell as his hair covered his face.

She chuckled, remembering that day. It wasn't funny then, of course, but looking back on it, everything that happened to her was so ridiculous, it seemed like a a story written by an overimaginative teenager. (totally not breaking the 4th wall)

"No, I, uh," she paused and scratched her forehead, "that wasn't a very good day for me. I got taken back there, tried to kill Negan when he dragged me here, y'know, when he brought Carl home, and then I got thrown in my cell for a while. And, uh," she shifted in her place, swallowing roughly and looking at her feet, "Dwight let me out. And then I heard about everything. And it sucks because Sherry was my friend. And I made a promise to her." Tears welled in her eyes.

Daryl looked down and reached for her hand sympathetically. He didn't question it. There was no time to ask anything. As (Y/N) wiped her face, they could hear a familiar voice echoing as a truck pulled up to the gate. Eugene.

"...A test is upon you and I'm givin' out the cheat sheet."

That was all she was able to make out. Rosita shifted nearby, a grim look on her face. Rick gazed over the wall, adjusting his stance, narrowing his eyebrows and slightly tilting his head as the truck pulled to a stop and Eugene stepped out of the passenger's side. He stood on the back of the truck, a megaphone in hand. He cleared his throat. "H-Hello. I come salved with the hope that it is my dropped knowledge that you heed. Options are zero to none." He took a moment to sigh. "Compliance and fealty are your only escape. Bottom-lining it: You may thrive, or you may die."

Rosita shook her head from side to side, her upper lip curling in hate as tears formed in her eyes. (Y/N) could hardly believe this as well, a snake. A traitor. A coward. He was Negan all along. What a pussy.

"I sincerely wish for the former for everyone's sake. The jig is up and in full effect. Will you comply, Rick?"

Silence befell them from a moment as those around looked to Rick, waiting for his reply. Rick stared at Eugene for a moment, sucking his teeth. Daryl glanced at (Y/N), then lowered his chin to the Saviors and glared at them. Rick looked to his left before answering.

"Where's Negan?" He asked, his brow furrowed in the direction of Eugene, who lowered the megaphone. He looked at Rick in disbelief, his jaw slightly open. He closed it, then re-opened it to speak. "I'm Negan."

Rick closed his eyes, then opened them, looking beyond the Saviors. Rosita's fingers twitched over the button to detonate the explosives. She shifted in her place before looking up at Rick, who caught her eye for a second. He sighed, looking up at the grey sky, then back at Eugene, shifting menacingly in his place. Tension began to build as Rosita let out a breath and Rick ducked down. The button was pushed and everyone covered their heads, ducking down.

Nothing happend.

Seconds ticked by and nothing happend. Rosita's eyes widened as she realized what happend. Rick looked at her, and he knew as well. (Y/N) looked at Daryl, then her father, her heart sinking. As Rick reached around himself and into the waistband of his pants, Jadis pulled her gun out. And then, on unision, all the Scavengers held their guns on the Alexandrians, who hadn't a chance to respond. Their guns cocked menacingly as Daryl put his gun down, looking around the group. One of the Scavengers leapt forward, unlocking the gate and opening it all the way. (Y/N), Rosita, Daryl, and others were now exposed by the open gate as Negan happily walked over to them. Dwight gave them pitiful stares, as if ashamed.

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