Part One: Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Landing heavily on the leaves that crunched beneath her boots, she took a minute as the gun around her back hit her spine heavily, and there was a slight ache to her heels. She stood up straight, clearing her throat. She wished she had thought to grab a snack or water. She considered going back over, but decided it would be too much of a hassle to climb back over. She considered just going through the front gate, but someone would definetly stop her from leaving again.

So, she tramped on, through the forest, making her way around Alexandria to the front so she could get on the road.

She kept in the forest until she was far enough away, she didn't want to risk anyone seeing her. When she was certain she was far enough away, she emerged from the tree line and began walking down the road. Casually, she walked with her hands buried in her pockets, her heart rate going easy. She would never admit it, but she liked it out here more than anywhere. Other than the only threat in the wild, which wasn't even the biggest threat anymore, it was peaceful. Maybe that's why she and Daryl got along so well. They both preferred the wild, as if they were caged. But, they could be domesticated, like a house cat, indoor and outdoor. If she had to pick, well, it would be the outside. The forest. If she didn't have anyone waiting on her back home, she would just...leave. Explore the world.

These thoughts kept her occupied as she walked, the small growl of walkers heard in the distance. She made good time, and by the time it was dawn, she guessed she was nearly half-way. She let out a yawn, feeling the ache within her heels growing. She hasn't been walking as far or as long as she had in the past, so she wasn't sure why she was tired so quickly. She's been in worse conditions, starved, filthy, exhausted, and still walked further. Her stomach was full, she was well-rested, and yet her heels ached from walking for, what? - four, five hours?

She decided to take a break and turned down a different road, but stopped long enough to pull out a pen and write down the street name. She soon found herself in a little shopping centre, and decided to strip it for everything it offered. She entered a small shop that she didn't know the name of, the letters on the sign out front have worn off. The little shop bell at the top of the door rang pathetically as she entered, making her jump and pull out her gun. She relaxed her shoulders when she realized she was alone, and she catiously proceeded into the store.

It looked to be a small tourist shop, bunch of little items to remember Virgina was around, though half of it was scattered and broken around the floor. Cups, cards, shirts. Boring shit. Useless shit. The kind of stuff people worried about before the world went to shit.

She browsed around, grabbing a pair of sun glasses for herself. She tried them on, looking in the smalle mirror on the revolving sunglasses stand, adjusting her hair before she headed behind the counter. She was surprised to see the cash register smashed open and all the cash gone.

Who would waste their time stealing money when the old world is never coming back?

She scoffed at the thought of this, shaking her head as she sat on the counter. God, she wished she brought something to eat now. Her stomach grumbled, and she decided she would have to make do and eat when she got to the Sanctuary. She had gotten so used to living in a living place, eating regular meals, being able to kick her feet up for more than five minutes, her body wasn't conditioned like it was before Alexandria. And the Sancturary, for that matter.

She sat there for a moment, then decided to lay down on the counter, just resting her eyes for a minute.

"Well, well."

A familiar voice startled her awake, making her jump and reach for her gun. "Nu-uh. Put that down." Another voice from behind her said. Her fingertips twitched at her side before she stood up straight, pulling out her gun and letting it fall to the floor. The man from behind her took it upon himself to remove her knife from her belt as well, but made sure to keep his gun on her as she glared at the man in front of her. Negan. The big man himself, looking worn-out and bleak.

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