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"When can I be discharged?" I asked Olivia as she came inside. "It's been three days already. My arm healed."

"Which was a miracle to the doctors," Olivia said, placing a bag of food down.

"I can feel myself healing," I told her with a pout. "I'm pretty sure I'm okay."

"It doesn't make sense," she said, overwhelmed. "Why couldn't you heal before?"

"I was somatic," I said, not meeting her eyes.

"And what's that?" she questioned.

"Remember when we were going on that cross country meet last year?" She nodded. "Scott had been injured, but he couldn't heal himself because he thought Derek died.

"I guess I must have not healed because Alex... " I trailed off. "But it's not only him. I mean, it's everyone else. Allison and Aiden. If Ms. McCall wasn't there, Scott would have died. And with Alex, I never had any closure... Until Argent came back."

"If Argent came back, whatever's coming next must mean something," Olivia figured, a concerned look on her face.

"We've handled a kanima, berserkers, a Darach, an Alpha pack, a Nogitsune, and Oni," I said with an assuring smile. "We can handle this one chimera."

"We know nothing about this chimera," Olivia said.

"I'm sure Scott's been working on that," I said. "And don't you have work? I heard about that attack at the telecom station. Olivia, if you haven't noticed, I'm perfectly fine."

"Right... Then give me ten pushups," she said.

I took on her challenge. I got out of bed and went into the pushup position. Olivia counted the pushups and when I reached ten, I stood up and she sighed.

"Fine, all right," she said.

"Thank you," I responded, sitting on the bed.

"There's your breakfast in the bag," she told me. "Eat up."

Once she walked out of the door, I grabbed the shoulder that Theo had shot. I did feel it healing, but it still hurt like hell when I moved it in certain ways.

There was a knock on the door. I looked up and immediately stood to my feet, ready to fight if I needed to. Theo had come in, closing the door behind him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked angrily.

"I wanted to make sure you're okay," he said, his hands up in surrender. "And by the looks of it, you seem fine."

"Don't pretend you care about anyone else but yourself," I snarled. "I can feel your hunger and your greed... "

"My question to you is why haven't you told anyone what you saw?" he wondered, taking another step further into the room.

"Is that why you shot me?" I questioned.

"You think I wanted to shoot you?" he said with a serious expression. He didn't want to shoot me... "I had to shoot you to keep you where you were."

"To kill Scott?" I scoffed.

"You saw me watch as my sister died," Theo said. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"You didn't come here to kill me?" I said quietly, thinking.

"Tell me."

"Tell me why you haven't told them yet," he said in a loud voice.

"Because you were a boy then?" I confessed. I let out a breath. "And I did see your aura for a second. It wasn't dark. It was genuine. And you didn't want Stiles's dad to die so... So maybe there is hope that you're not all corrupted."

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