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"We gotta find them," said Scott as Kira and I carried him to his room. "It's Mason."

"I know," Kira replied. "Everybody's looking."

Scott laid back. He pulled out a manilla envelope from under him and sighed. We looked at him with concern.


He sighed and said, "Nothing. It's just a scholarship. I missed the deadline."

"We'll figure it out," I told him in a soothing voice. "Right now, you're not going anywhere until you heal, okay?"

Scott nodded weakly and Kira leaned forward and kissed him for a long moment. Stiles had made a noise from the doorway and I looked at him. I nodded to tell him that he was going to be okay. Stiles nodded in return and gently closed the door behind him.

Once Scott had healed, I went downstairs. Everyone had passed out. I sighed, laying on the sofa, falling asleep instantly.

"Allison- " She pulled again and my body slammed against the bars. We were inside the bank vault.

"Allison, calm down," I told her. "Please? I don't know how much my shoulder can take." I sighed and placed my hand on hers. She took a deep breath, calming down.

"Allison, I hate your father," Issac groaned as he stood to his feet.

"Issac," I told him in a warning tone. He walked towards us. "Are you okay?"

He nodded. "I can try to... "

Issac grabbed our wrists around the handcuff and pulled.

"Almost... " He broke it free and I stumbled towards Issac.

"Now I know why Argent never looked me in the eye," I whispered.

"Why did he do that?" asked Allison.

"I don't know," I replied softly, looking into her eyes. I grabbed her hand reassuringly. "We need to go. We need help. Allison, we have to go."

"Find me."

Someone grabbed me. I shook awake and grabbed their forearm, twisting it. They groaned and I let go, realizing it was Stiles.

"Are you okay?" Kira asked him.

"Yup," he replied, shaking his arm out. "Lucy?"

"Nightmares," Liam stated. We all looked at him. "All night, you were mumbling in your sleep, saying you forgot something."

"It's nothing," I said, standing up.

"Olivia brought you new clothes," Kira said. "You can go freshen up."

"Thanks," I said, taking the folded clothes from her.

I went into the bathroom. I took a quick shower, then changed into jeans and a striped tight-fitted crop top. I tied my hair up, tightening it as I walked out of the bathroom.

"So any updates?" I asked and greeted Lydia at the table with a smile.

"My dad's got an APB out," Stiles informed.

"For a five-eight sixteen-year-old?" Kira asked warily.

"I recommended a nine-foot-tall rampaging werewolf... " said Stiles.

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