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Welcome to April Fools Week!! I will be posting every day until April fools day with pranks and fun stuff!!

481. Put a sticky note under a mouse (for a computer) and write GOTCHA on it. It'll make it not work and someone will go crazy trying to figure it out.

482.Take Mac 'N' Cheese powder and mix it with water, put it in the fridge. Offer people the home-aide 'orange juice'.

483. Take out their deodorant from its container and replace it with cream cheese.

484. When someone asks for 5 million dollars give them 50,00 100 grand candy bars instead.

485. Make ice cream sundays for you and another person. Make yours with ice cream, but theirs with mashed potatoes.

486. Put a piece of clear scotch tape over the censer on your TV remote.

487. Put red dye pellets under the cap of your faucet.

488. Tell them that you made them brownies, bring them a pan covered in tinfoil full of brown pieces of paper shaped like the letter E.

489. Next time you go out to eat with a friend, take their drink and put a hot sauce packet or ketchup packet under their straw ( A/N - I didn't know how to explain that so look at the picture on top to understand more..)

490 Make carmel onions

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